People, this is why there are whistleblower laws. You don't want the crazy, disgruntled parent to get you fired? Don't allow illegal and/or hazing things to happen on your watch. There was illegal drinking and nudity happening at a team sponsored retreat. What was UK supposed to do once it was brought to their attention? Shrug and say the mom is just mad her kid didn't make the team? THAT would have been a PR nightmare.
Now as for kids being kids....I am old now, but once upon a time I was an incoming freshman on a no-name college cheer team. I was already in awe and worried about fitting in. Had they been doing topless and pantless basket tosses at a team building event, I would have been mortified, but also, worried that I needed to join in to fit in. That makes it wrong, especially since it is happening at what I assume is a mandatory team building retreat. If the team members have to be there, then what happens has to be appropriate.
And while we seem to forget this minor detail when discussing college students, the legal drinking age is still 21. That means all non-seniors on that team are illegally drinking. Again, not something you can allow to happen at a mandatory team event.
I don't care that they are college students and it supposedly happens all the time. I don't care that the mom was pissed that her kid didn't make the right team. You absolutely have to remember that as a coach you are the responsible party to what those kids are doing. (And yes, college students are still kids...) Can you imagine the uproar if a video had gotten out of the tosses?
There was illegal drinking and nudity at a team sponsored event. If you are coaches of that team, the buck stops there.