In some capacity it bothers me, when I had to explain to my friends I was going to nationals and they would ask 'But didn't you have nationals last weekend?!!' I do think there are tiers of nationals, and I do think based on gym size that some nationals like BATC or BUTBT can be major ones while for others it's cheersport/NCA. That being said, I do think we should have a prestige 'ranking system' and go from there. I'd definitely rank NCA/Cheersport/UCA/Jamfest as 5 star, RTB/BATC/BUTBT etc as 4 Star..
Actually it might help with competition costs. 5 star nationals are a bit more expensive but everything is 'bigger', 4 star is slightly smaller but cheaper, etc, and so forth. Companies could only have 1 5 star per season, but by offering a 5-star they could have more lower-star nationals? I dunno, just a thought. Incentive for companies to offer a bigger reward and incentives for gyms to attend..just throwing some ideas out there.