All-Star Most Difficult Moment As A Cheer Parent...

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my most heartbreaking moment will be this Sunday at tryouts. We went to Hawaii for spring break and had an amazing time! She got to do a tumble and stunt private while we were there because she didn't want to go a whole week without doing anything with tryouts coming up. She did amazing! probably the best she's done in a LONG time (her goal was a full) she actually did it with a light spot and did a standing 1 to full on the tumble track. The monday we returned from Hawaii she wasn't feeling well. she went to bed and woke up about 6 hours later complaining of a stomach ache. i gave her some pepto and she went back to sleep. she woke up in the middle of the night vomitting and still complaining of pain, so i gave her more pepto and some motrin. the next day still no improvement. i assumed she had a stomach bug and it was beating her up pretty bad. by 1030 tuesday night she was in tears and i knew something was wrong. i took her to the emergency room to find out she had appendicitis. She has surgery the next day. she was pretty bad (not ruptured but had a lot of infection) so she was hospitalized for 4 days. so needless to say, the full will not be an option at tryouts, and probably no standing tumbling either. She's afraid all she'll be able to handle is a breaks my heart because she has worked soooooooo hard to get where she was all for it to be taken away by something that was far beyond her control :-(
for my mom it was when i broke my foot and as they were casting me i starting cry not form pain but because i couldnt try out for the team i wanted or improve because that brake took me out for just about 6 months.

but for any parent i would think it is seeing there cp not make the team they wanted, falling out of a stunt/ tumbleing pass at competition, or get hurt and be taken out for part of the season
my most heartbreaking moment will be this Sunday at tryouts. We went to Hawaii for spring break and had an amazing time! She got to do a tumble and stunt private while we were there because she didn't want to go a whole week without doing anything with tryouts coming up. She did amazing! probably the best she's done in a LONG time (her goal was a full) she actually did it with a light spot and did a standing 1 to full on the tumble track. The monday we returned from Hawaii she wasn't feeling well. she went to bed and woke up about 6 hours later complaining of a stomach ache. i gave her some pepto and she went back to sleep. she woke up in the middle of the night vomitting and still complaining of pain, so i gave her more pepto and some motrin. the next day still no improvement. i assumed she had a stomach bug and it was beating her up pretty bad. by 1030 tuesday night she was in tears and i knew something was wrong. i took her to the emergency room to find out she had appendicitis. She has surgery the next day. she was pretty bad (not ruptured but had a lot of infection) so she was hospitalized for 4 days. so needless to say, the full will not be an option at tryouts, and probably no standing tumbling either. She's afraid all she'll be able to handle is a breaks my heart because she has worked soooooooo hard to get where she was all for it to be taken away by something that was far beyond her control :-(

If you mean the little small girl that is a fly. Yes she was on Smoke this year. She didn't try out. But she didn't try out the last two years and turned up on the team anyway so maybe that will happen again.
Oh hopefully, she also does Varsity at my school and she is amazing.
she isnt my CP. but im sure its relatable...

i was coaching a girl that wanted to tryout for her high school team. and she wanted her bhs so i had a 1hr private with her and about 5mins before her private was over she broke down because she realized she wasnt going to get her bhs.. i sat down with her on the cheese mat talking to her trying to keep her from crying. she said "im not going to make the team, everyone says i suck and im not good!" i was just trying to cheer her up at this point telling her not to give up just give it your best and you never know you might be what the coaches want and you can make the team! she replyed with " i wanted this so bad, my FATHER wanted this so bad for me as well!" i came to find out that she lost her father the week before and her grandfather passed away a few days after. i was left speechless and i just held her as she cryed i had no words i wish i wasnt left speechless i feel like i as a coach should have had something to say to make it better.. my heart broke into a million pieces she left and still went to her tryouts and gave it her best. which i was very porud of her to do after all this had gone on in her life!
my week that week wasnt the same i had her in my mind troughout that week i still get sad talking about this even though im not related to her. its just heartbreaking!
my most heartbreaking moment will be this Sunday at tryouts. We went to Hawaii for spring break and had an amazing time! She got to do a tumble and stunt private while we were there because she didn't want to go a whole week without doing anything with tryouts coming up. She did amazing! probably the best she's done in a LONG time (her goal was a full) she actually did it with a light spot and did a standing 1 to full on the tumble track. The monday we returned from Hawaii she wasn't feeling well. she went to bed and woke up about 6 hours later complaining of a stomach ache. i gave her some pepto and she went back to sleep. she woke up in the middle of the night vomitting and still complaining of pain, so i gave her more pepto and some motrin. the next day still no improvement. i assumed she had a stomach bug and it was beating her up pretty bad. by 1030 tuesday night she was in tears and i knew something was wrong. i took her to the emergency room to find out she had appendicitis. She has surgery the next day. she was pretty bad (not ruptured but had a lot of infection) so she was hospitalized for 4 days. so needless to say, the full will not be an option at tryouts, and probably no standing tumbling either. She's afraid all she'll be able to handle is a breaks my heart because she has worked soooooooo hard to get where she was all for it to be taken away by something that was far beyond her control :-(

Poor baby!!!!
My Mom laughed when I asked her this..she said there's been quite a few heartbreaking moments over the years, but she said the most heartbreak was watching me during my mental block stages with pretty much all running tumbling. She would watch my coach make me run around the gym, do frog jumps etc. whenever I wouldn't throw my skill (I was only about 11-12) and I was on a senior open team. It almost got to the point where I told my Mom "I don't think cheer is for me because I am bad at it and my coach hates me", but long behold I eventually did break out of my insane mental blocks and progressed fairly quickly after. She just said watching my frustration and not being able to help was very difficult, but seeing her face when I did that first ro handspring was amazing and she says the same thing about my face. It was hard for me to explain to my Mom what was going on because I really didn't know either, but thankfully she was patient.
My most heartbreaking moment was watching my younger cousin at Finals this year. She's on a J2 and the do a lib to stretch tick-tock. She had worked so hard on it, even though she was really struggling. She's always felt a little inferior to the other fliers, especially one other little girls who makes fun of her a lot for not being as good. During the routine my mom and my aunt and I were just praying for this stunt to hit. Unfortunately it fell, mostly her bases fault, and then didn't get back up for the basket/launch because the bases couldn't get her feet. I felt so bad to watch her come off floor and just start crying because she felt like she had let her team down, especially after she had worked so hard
Underestimated said:
she isnt my CP. but im sure its relatable...

i was coaching a girl that wanted to tryout for her high school team. and she wanted her bhs so i had a 1hr private with her and about 5mins before her private was over she broke down because she realized she wasnt going to get her bhs.. i sat down with her on the cheese mat talking to her trying to keep her from crying. she said "im not going to make the team, everyone says i suck and im not good!" i was just trying to cheer her up at this point telling her not to give up just give it your best and you never know you might be what the coaches want and you can make the team! she replyed with " i wanted this so bad, my FATHER wanted this so bad for me as well!" i came to find out that she lost her father the week before and her grandfather passed away a few days after. i was left speechless and i just held her as she cryed i had no words i wish i wasnt left speechless i feel like i as a coach should have had something to say to make it better.. my heart broke into a million pieces she left and still went to her tryouts and gave it her best. which i was very porud of her to do after all this had gone on in her life!
my week that week wasnt the same i had her in my mind troughout that week i still get sad talking about this even though im not related to her. its just heartbreaking!

There's nothing to say to make someone feel better in a situation like that. She didn't need you to try and cheer her up, she needed a shoulder to cry on, which you provided. You were exactly what she needed at that moment.
this thread is extremely depressing ):

but the toughest moment for my mom, was definatley seeing how much my life changed after i was forced to leave all stars. after my freshman year of high school, it just became too expensive and i had too many conflicts with it and my high school team. i tried to work things out with bith of my coaches but they were both pretty stubborn. after leaving, my skill level went down, i lost lots of strength and flexibility, gained a little weight, my grades went down, and i became extremely depressed. i cried myself to sleep for weeks. i just missed the excercise and the competition SO much. fortunatley, i'm starting to do better, and my get back into it this year. but everything is still iffy.
At U.S. Finals this year my team finally hit an amazing routine and it was perfect and everything, at awards they called us in fourth, it turns out our pyramid was illegal. Our coaches told us to keep our chins up and to not cry and I'm one of the toughest on my team, the first thing I did when I found my mom was put my arms around her and start bawling. That would probably be my moms.
That comment really saddens me. It sounds as though you are taking away from the accomplishments of the entire team. I surely hope you don't mean it that way and I am misunderstanding you.
Not at all. Actually it was the best team experience she has had. They were all very close and there was no drama all year. I personally liked all the parents and will remain friends with several of them. I think what I am getting at is that so much emphasis is placed on worlds by most in this culture. And it being her 4th and finial try at a ring, it was just really sad for her and 14 other seniors to end an amazing season that way. Like I said earlier, I believe they were the best in their division and beat them selves. That is the jagged little pill.
My cp falling at 2010 Worlds....and on the giddy-up! None of us (parents, coaches, and athletes) saw that coming because it's never happened at that point in the stunt. Once the tick tocks hit, relief was felt and no worries, then down on the giddyup??? She was so heartbroken and disappointed in herself. I just wanted to "fix it" and make it all better, but she's not my 5 year old anymore, so I felt so helpless. She just wanted to be left alone and work it out on her own, then after a while, she started opening up about it. She tried to keep that out of her mind last weekend while competing at 2011 Worlds but it was definitely on her mind. Though I think hitting her stunt 4 times at Worlds a few weeks ago has made that thought just a faded memory now!

I think thats why I feel so awful and my heart breaks for any stunt going down on any team at Worlds, just imagining what the people closest to the team are thinking and feeling.
I have to give a big thumbs up to tsunami for pulling through like that! They were amazing!

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