So USASF creates and pushes for a positive and because people have had issues in other areas, anything they do is up for ripping to shreds? I'm sorry but I'm yet to hear one negative about the CURRENT ID program, other than it's slightly time consuming if your an unorganized program. Currently, the ID program has no negatives. Now I agree, perception is reality so doing things as
Rudags suggested such as using a 3rd party is a great idea. But if a 3rd party does it does that now make it a good idea? So USASF has an ID program idea and the program is good, just not if run by them? Perfect no, good idea, yes. All I'm saying is give credit where credit is due.
Boo USASF you created a World Championships and you've grown to the point where seating is an issue because it's the ONLY competition that brings in EVERYONE. You created a premier event for our industry because no one could get it right. Your program isn't perfect but your growing our sport, so thank you!