All-Star Motivational Speech By Tate Of Nfinity

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with Athlete ID as it currently is, What is to stop that aged out athlete as falsifying the Birth Certificate with a new name too?
You can always find another way to cheat... and another way... and another way. But for athletes that are entered in the system accurately, there will be no way for them to go back in later years and change their DOB. Can they still sneak on the floor even if another girl is rostered, yes? Can they still dye their hair black and burn their fingerprints off so nobody can identify them, yes. But can't you just acknowledge my valid point that Athlete ID could have a positive impact on cheating in our industry without digging at it and finding more examples of issues it couldn't cover?
You can always find another way to cheat... and another way... and another way. But for athletes that are entered in the system accurately, there will be no way for them to go back in later years and change their DOB. Can they still sneak on the floor even if another girl is rostered, yes? Can they still dye their hair black and burn their fingerprints off so nobody can identify them, yes. But can't you just acknowledge my valid point that Athlete ID could have a positive impact on cheating in our industry without digging at it and finding more examples of issues it couldn't cover?
Absolutely, if done right it would streamline cumbersome processes and make cheating more difficult. But as it stands it makes the process more cumbersome and doesn't do a whole lot to prevent cheating. There is currently no method of enforcement in place.

If its worth doing its worth doing right
And with my method it's done before tryouts, so you wouldn't even know if you wanted to cheat at that point
So USASF creates and pushes for a positive and because people have had issues in other areas, anything they do is up for ripping to shreds? I'm sorry but I'm yet to hear one negative about the CURRENT ID program, other than it's slightly time consuming if your an unorganized program. Currently, the ID program has no negatives. Now I agree, perception is reality so doing things as Rudags suggested such as using a 3rd party is a great idea. But if a 3rd party does it does that now make it a good idea? So USASF has an ID program idea and the program is good, just not if run by them? Perfect no, good idea, yes. All I'm saying is give credit where credit is due.

Boo USASF you created a World Championships and you've grown to the point where seating is an issue because it's the ONLY competition that brings in EVERYONE. You created a premier event for our industry because no one could get it right. Your program isn't perfect but your growing our sport, so thank you!
Is USASF or a second party actually performing the registration? I have seen the sing in page with USASF Membership Beta on the top…but this could also be a form from another company….any clues?
with Athlete ID as it currently is, What is to stop that aged out athlete as falsifying the Birth Certificate with a new name too?

I'm fairly certain it will evolve to DNA samples required for registration. LOL
Is USASF or a second party actually performing the registration? I have seen the sing in page with USASF Membership Beta on the top…but this could also be a form from another company….any clues?
To my knowledge USASF is running all registration.
how will another competition change our current state??
I would certainly attend an Infinity event because I am sure it will be run properly.

But what is he thinking we are afraid of....? IMO I think he is referring to the monopoly we currently have. We have a non-elected, non-representative governing body that has now begun to assert its power. Now the EP's no longer have to look to us the consumer for our wants and needs, they can just implement what is in their own best interest through their power on the executive board and we all, like sheep, must follow in lock step.

We need safety rules, athlete registration, etc. but what we do not need is the governing body interfering in the commerce between gym owners and customers as well as gym owners and EP's. I think what we I am "afraid" of is that we have gone down this road to far and its too late to turn back, why, because their is no alternative events to attend and no way to recapture the control, vision, and direction of my gym because it is being dictated now by someone else .

Thats all well and good, but in all honesty, i have yet to hear anyone who is willing to marder
I think the main point he was trying to drive home is that so much of what we are doing is driven by fear (I say 'we' like I have something to do with it lol): fear of losing kids, fear of not going to Worlds and therefore losing kids, fear of ruffling feathers, fear of recruitment, fear of the 'unknown' (including what those pesky big gyms or other gyms are up to). And that the thing that has stunted our industry is the removal of innovation. He's not against safety standards or progression, he's against this lock of fear we've chained ourselves in with..Yet 'we' as coaches (because I have coached something, although not cheer), tell our kids all the time to not be afraid, secretly chuckle as they do whatever pre-tumbling/stunting ritual they need to do it and hit the skill, etc.

'We' need to decide that WE control the industry- not the EPs, not some Image Committee, not some arbitrary safety rules that got thrown in without proper process, etc. Stop looking at other gym owners as our enemies, put aside our differences and decide that we need to come together to do something (here is where @kingston's Prisoner's Dilemma comes in!) to regain control of our section of the industry. That we need to talk with our wallets TOGETHER until they start listening.

i disagree with you slightly. trading one tyrant for the next isnt the answer. the next tyrant being gym owners, if we turned the tides that way. absolute power corrupts absolutley. if tomorrow the power paradigm shifted from eps to gym owners, we would have another organization pop up within the next year complaining about how the power lies with the large gyms and we need to change things. this is a power(money) struggle plain and simple. i do not believe any business owner cares so deeply about the size of a bow(unless youre in the bow industry) that they would go to the lengths being mentioned.

the answer is not EPs in control, OR gym owners in control. it is a system in which power is divided equally with checks and balances. any gym owner, third party vendor etc who looks you in the face and says they want to over throw the system, or eludes to it for that matter, and then says they have the industries best interests in mind are lying to you or themselves. starting over is not the answer. using emotional appeals to insight a riot is not the way to do it.

using multiple fallacies to get an emotional response is not the way to win the hearts and minds of the masses. it is only a way to "herd cats".
the answer is not EPs in control, OR gym owners in control. it is a system in which power is divided equally with checks and balances. any gym owner, third party vendor etc who looks you in the face and says they want to over throw the system, or eludes to it for that matter, and then says they have the industries best interests in mind are lying to you or themselves. starting over is not the answer. using emotional appeals to insight a riot is not the way to do it.

I agree with this, and although people sometimes try to ignore it, it is what the USASF tried to do... The problem is that although a brand like Cheersport may be on the board, the PERCEPTION is that they have ties with Varsity and will sway to vote or do things that are in the best interest of Varsity. Is this reality? I don't think so, but when things happen, it gives many people the ability to point fingers and raise questions.
I agree with this, and although people sometimes try to ignore it, it is what the USASF tried to do... The problem is that although a brand like Cheersport may be on the board, the PERCEPTION is that they have ties with Varsity and will sway to vote or do things that are in the best interest of Varsity. Is this reality? I don't think so, but when things happen, it gives many people the ability to point fingers and raise questions.
Yes, there is a a lot of Varsity representation on the board. Yes, that should change. BUT regardless of WHO is on the board, someone is going to create an issue with them. For now it's Varsity, but no doubt it will be something else.
I want to say that I am 100% in favor of having more "non-varsity" related board members BUT let me ask you this, Varsity is the #1 grossing business in EP and gym business out there so they are doing something right. And to be honest I can think of ONLY a FEW others I would WANT on the board.
So to be honest people are complaining and think they can do it better, I say you are WRONG. If you could do it better there would be a push for you to be on the board.
My personal opinion is some of the Varsity reps should be removed BUT I also don't think new gym owners should be added, I would want
1 - A GK rep
2 - A safety rep
3 - A Doctor
4 - A "Debbie Love" - someone who there is NO genuine tie in with any EP or gym.

Perception is reality, board needs to be changed up (although I don't think anyone on the current board is doing anything wrong)
to troy that message was incomplete. sorry about that, i sat her and i guess it sends on your own.
So to be honest people are complaining and think they can do it better, I say you are WRONG. If you could do it better there would be a push for you to be on the board.
My personal opinion is some of the Varsity reps should be removed BUT I also don't think new gym owners should be added, I would want
1 - A GK rep
2 - A safety rep
3 - A Doctor
4 - A "Debbie Love" - someone who there is NO genuine tie in with any EP or gym.

Perception is reality, board needs to be changed up (although I don't think anyone on the current board is doing anything wrong)

I think an actual voted for board would be a great start. I would probably still vote for Justin even though he is a varsity guy. Any set up where there was a vote, would have the power of the people. As it is now, they are just there. We didn't put them there and we can't get them out of there, they are just there.
I think an actual voted for board would be a great start. I would probably still vote for Justin even though he is a varsity guy. Any set up where there was a vote, would have the power of the people. As it is now, they are just there. We didn't put them there and we can't get them out of there, they are just there.
I think a controlled vote, if its straight up vote, small gym has the most power. No, no, no.
I think a controlled vote, if its straight up vote, small gym has the most power. No, no, no.

But how many small gyms are actually involved and active in voting? Most small gyms I know have zero clue about USASF and things they SHOULD be doing as owners, and I can't really see them spending the time to get educated and vote. And, for arguments sake, shouldn't all gyms have a vote no matter the size? I agree large gyms are large for a reason and usually have owners that are active and have been around, but things that should be handled by USASF shouldn't impact any gym more than others in my mind-small or large.
I don't believe it should be more favored to one side, just equal. Last time rules went through, people voted one way or the other. They then ignored the results for some things and made it what they wanted. They rolled out these new rules and image guidelines OUTSIDE of a rules cycle.

If you're looking to give the impression of imbalance and no checks, you're doing a great job.

I do like the idea that somebody had about putting a minimum on the years open required before you can vote. How is this with other youth sports? I doubt any others get as much 'say' as our coaches do, but is there anything similar?