Well lets turn it positive then. True confessions!
We attended (just to watch) a competition this weekend and it was the first time I'd been back in an arena with our original program (and if you've been around a bit you've heard some of the stories from the cray cray owner that boldly calls all of us who left her, Satan's Soldiers). No lie.
Anyway, it was not their typical competition seeing as how some power house gyms were there that she generally will not attend with to ensure she doesn't get beat. They're sortof a backyard bonanza sort of program.
That bring said, you know what? They did good! Their routines are much improved since we left (she's contracting that out now) the tumbling was more than I thought and those kids were really having a great time! They rocked it out! The parents were probably the loudest rowdiest of the competition and rather than relishing a beat down ...I was actually ...weirdly... sortof proud of them.
They had a lot of drama...they produce a lot of drama....they continue (4 years later) to be slanderous in the community. But, their cheer program is hanging tough. They market to a certain level if athlete (think rec cheer on steroids) and they did a great job. They didn't defeat the powerhouses, but the didn't look out of place either. They really should step up their schedule.
Well done, old gym.