If Shooting Stars gets their own practice arena then every other team at World Cup needs one too because that is so unfair, by the way I didn't read the entire thread where it states what the arena really is for but I am still going to say that it is totally unfair.
Everyone who works at Maryland Twisters is wrong about them being large, my cousin's best friends's nephew's girlfriend use to cheer at a gym in Maryland back in 04 and she read on formspring that they are small and actually a junior team.
OMG SUSIE QUIT WORLD EXTREME PANTHERS STARS??? I didn't know that and I have her formspring, facebook, twitter, youtube, myspace, and every other social networking profile added. HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS! I must stalk harder.
A small flyer must automatically be 12 instead of a senior in high school. Her parents really need to make her grow.