All-Star Multiple Arrests For Local Gym Owner!

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For what it's worth the link never worked for
me and saw it prior to MsTeal editing it.

@Andre @therulesguy @ASCheerMan

I know there is no current appeal process but do any of you have any suggestions whom the individual parents may be able to contact in case any of these athletes may have a chance to be an alternate or fill a vacant on a Worlds team?

**Come on, where's Ashton because I think we're being punk'd**
I edited the live link because I think someone is trying to put someone else on blast.

Left the thread but I'm watching.

I have to disagree a little here.

I'm late to the party, so I have no idea who we're even talking about, what the charges were, or whatever (I did see assault mentioned earlier, maybe?)

We b!tch all the time about not having background checks or any manner of monitoring who is in a position of responsibility with our kids. Posting about multiple arrests, especially arrests related to violent crime, sex crimes, etc., which are a matter of public record, is all we have. If USASF won't call it out, we should surely be able to.
I didn't see the original post so I can't weigh in on whether it should have been removed, but if this gym has a Worlds team and the owner/coach has been arrested and they refuse to release athletes then USASF needs to step in. If I were a parent I would have a lawyer on this immediately. This is one of the many huge issues with the release rule.

"You are only responsible for being honest, not for someone else's reaction to your honesty."
I can't believe none of us quoted the original post.

Basic rundown is a gun owner has had multiple arrests (dui and assault maybe) and parents are uncomfortable with their kids being in the program any longer. The gym owner is refusing to grant any releases (not sure if any L5 kids are involved) so the OP is looking for a way to appeal to the usasf for help.

What people there may be unclear of is they do not need a release to leave,. The release is only needed for the kid to take the floor at Worlds.

Sound about right?

**Come on, where's Ashton because I think we're being punk'd**
I beleive you are speaking about my gym, and really whoever started this thread is not doing it for the right reasons. I have a worlds kid and I have never asked for my child to released from this program or have heard of those being denied. There are tons of other factors going on, and incidents that have happened that have no relation to what the gym owner does outside of the gym. Before this gets out of hand with a lot of hearsay and gossip I would like those to step back and see that posting on social media in any form, hurts a lot of kids. We are all going through a difficult time with this, and having mudslinging is not helping. Remember, kids are still in this program trying to make it work. There are other coaches and employees of this gym who are trying to make it right. I don't know what will happen but throwing fuel on the fire is not helping anyone. Even if you still have friends in this program it is their decision to do what is right. Please just step out of it. THank you.
Also, I lot of assumptions are being made that are not true-and false information is being made. I am not denying what is public record-but please get all of the facts straight before making comments. Again, thank you for your prayers during this difficult time.
I'm still confused as to why we are dancing around this. I agree with @Mamarazzi. Post the actual information. We're not dealing with rumors, etc. Let's see it and everyone can make their own decision.

**EPs should only be able to designate ONE competition as a "national".**
Nobody asked you to remove the post. I left it because I think it's a valid topic (in general, no feelings on this particular gym owner specifically) that will spark conversation, and maybe solutions for those involved. I removed the live link because I thought it was a little much.

And considering we couldn't tell which of the 8 guys that showed up in the mug shots the offender was... :confused:
Unfortunately I do personally know of 2 world's kids who have asked to be released but we're denied. As for lower level kids I know a few just left this week. (On a side note does anyone know how this works for summit? Are there release rules in regards to that competition as well?) The problem is I do understand people make mistakes however this isn't a one time isolated event from what I can see or have been told. I understand these things didn't happen at the gym but now a days with kids on twitter and things like @wakemugshots on twitter, things that use to be private are now highly seen by teenagers and now have a greater influence on their lives.
I beleive you are speaking about my gym, and really whoever started this thread is not doing it for the right reasons. I have a worlds kid and I have never asked for my child to released from this program or have heard of those being denied. There are tons of other factors going on, and incidents that have happened that have no relation to what the gym owner does outside of the gym. Before this gets out of hand with a lot of hearsay and gossip I would like those to step back and see that posting on social media in any form, hurts a lot of kids. We are all going through a difficult time with this, and having mudslinging is not helping. Remember, kids are still in this program trying to make it work. There are other coaches and employees of this gym who are trying to make it right. I don't know what will happen but throwing fuel on the fire is not helping anyone. Even if you still have friends in this program it is their decision to do what is right. Please just step out of it. THank you.

So what part of the original post is untrue? Do you have a gym owner that has been arrested several times? Was he one of the guys in the mug shots? Is he not letting kids leave with a waiver?
He was arrested twice on different incidents not related to each other, and one was at a festival where there were a lot of arrests that day. Again, I ask people who are not directly involved to please, please stay out of it. You are making it far worse. I am not condoning it, but until we have this resolved as a program coming on here and talking about it does not help.
Not releasing athletes for Worlds (if that is what is occurring and is one of the thing that is being alleged) is a valid reason, regardless of the other issues at hand.
The original post was about concern for friends that couldn't get their kids out of a gym where the owner had been arrested "multiple times" and they were very worried for their friends that couldn't get released and oh by the way, here's a link to his mugshot this person shouldn't even be working with kids.

I'm all for calling out predators working with our kids. But that wasn't done here. It was a veiled "I'm worried about my friends, they can't get releases" question.
AND I knew there would be someone along shortly that was on the other side of the fence on this. None of us know the details at all, heck I don't even know the gym. But the truth in situations with multiple people involved is never so black and white. @NCCheerMama 's version and perspective is probably very different from @bigol'cheerfan! 's

ETA: re-read this and it sounds like I want everyone to stay out of it. I don't. But we need facts to determine what's going on. Not mudslinging.

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So what part of the original post is untrue? Do you have a gym owner that has been arrested several times? Was he one of the guys in the mug shots? Is he not letting kids leave with a waiver?
I'm not saying anything is untrue about his personal life but to my knowledge no one has asked to be released. Again. This all just happened and we are tying to work through the it for the sake of our kids and coming on here and not having all the background facts and making assumptions is not helpful. This is a hard time for everyone right now

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