We have been to competitions where they announce scores as they go. The same surprise element is there, but it is stretched out over the whole event. It makes the whole day much more interesting for the spectators, as they can now follow along the whole time - like they would at nearly every sports event.
Agreed 100%!!! I think this is the best way! Also, to piggy back a previous comment you made in regards to ATTENDANCE! Coaches, Owners YOU have the power to get the RIGHT things done! If you continue to attend poorly run events, they will continue to run poorly, if you choose not to they will either go away or change.
Now when it comes to name, or knowing judges I thought about this a lot last night, we were actually discussing this between a few of our friends ( three different gyms, all coaches having dinner ). We all know the same judges, we all know the same people. I'll use a "what if" scenario -
BlueCat and
Andre are judging an event that
kingston and I have the same team in the division. All four of us know one another, and here is how I would see the conversation between
kingston and I going...
kingston "Did you see Bluecat and Andre are judging?"
Me "Yeah I did, thank God, we know they will get it right."
Kingston "Amen to that, Good Luck man"
Me "You too brotha, where are yall eating after?"
I just don't understand why people always assume there are hidden agendas. If you feel there are, Please Please Please don't return to that event ever again. If you are looking for good, quality events, take the time to do you research and ask around, if anyone wants to know events I recommend contacting any coach/program you respect, MOST would love to help. We actually have our competitions laid out before our try-outs for the season start.
Oh yeah, please show all scores to everyone, if you got something to hide it will be found out, hiding is shady.