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I do not support or condone his behaviors of contacting and focusing on minors. With that said after seeing his social media and watching his video I am convinced he is Asperger's . I feel counseling and social skills sessions could benefit him.

A diagnosis of AS includes social impairments, such as:

  • the lack of social and emotional reciprocity;
  • difficulties in understanding social situations and other people’s thoughts and feelings;
  • tendency to think of issues as being black and white, rather than considering multiple perspectives in a flexible way;
  • frequent tendency to say things without considering the emotional impact on the listener;
  • They usually have an obsessive, consuming interest in one subject, to the exclusion of others. Examples include knowing every fact possible about The Beatles, the Federal Papers, Buddhism, train schedules, cycling, the stock market or Star Trek. Their obsessive interest may even be something that could land them in hot water, such as explosives, deviant sexual interests, computer hacking or firearms. A celebrity (or even YOU) could become their special interest and experience unwanted attention, harassment or stalking. In this situation insert All Star Cheer.
The same thing crossed my mind as I watched the video. The stimming of his hand in the beginning drew my attention and a few other traits. Not that watching a video can dx a person but as a mom of a child on the spectrum you learn to see things from a different perspective and learn to pick up on ASD signs.

With that said, as a parent I'd be very leery of anybody contacting my kids be it malicious intent or innocent. It's one thing to be a fan and collect stuff, but it crosses the line once you start contacting minors and name drop said minors names. I won't even friend a minor on social media unless they send the request and I know them personally and know their parents. As an adult you don't put yourself in those situations where things can be misconstrued.
My CP Small Senior 3 won Sunday night - and got their PAID SUMMIT BID on Monday night. :)
I believe I watched yalls team on Sunday! They were awesome! The fight in the pyramid was incredible, my sister and I were both in awe. The side base was holding it up by the fliers ankles she was not letting it come down it was fantastic!
@CookieMomster completely agree with you. I also noticed that immediately. So many things yell Aspergers. I have taught Special Ed. for over 17 years now. At one point I had a student with Asperger's that was obsessed with Country Western Singers. He could have easily made an identical video over his obsession.

"With that said, as a parent I'd be very leery of anybody contacting my kids be it malicious intent or innocent. It's one thing to be a fan and collect stuff, but it crosses the line once you start contacting minors and name drop said minors names." Yes! Agree 100%
I think its strange/obsessive that he managed to get a CURRENT Coed elite uniform...between that and all the sports bras, what is the purpose of him owning all of that and its not like he could use it. I just feel so bad for his daughters...
I think this probably is a real issue for many sports and hope staff has appropriate training to identify those who are truly threats and not go on a witch hunt.

In this instance it is his actions that are suspicious, and if other dads behave in an odd manner or display poor judgement I hope they are viewed suspiciously too. My husband takes my daughter to local competitions and I assure you nobody would look twice at him because of his behavior. Similarly our team has a photographer (parent volunteer) who is male and is present for teams that are not his daughter's and he is not given a second look. And honestly, are there really that many dads (or moms for that matter) that go watch comps or pretty much any youth related sport without a personal or professional reason to do so but instead are trying to meet the athletes?
Probably not but my CP may not be with him and I often leave him watching teams or wandering by himself when I am chatting with friends. He doesn't deserve a second look just because he would be sitting in the seats watching the comp without me or CP. Clearly he isn't asking for pics with people or creating contests like discussed but I'm always sending him to take pics for friends or video teams from our gym. If someone paid my way to NCA I would have gone without my CP... so if anyone wants to send me to worlds let me know I will gladly leave CP at home
I believe I watched yalls team on Sunday! They were awesome! The fight in the pyramid was incredible, my sister and I were both in awe. The side base was holding it up by the fliers ankles she was not letting it come down it was fantastic!


I am so proud. My daughter is center flyer in the pyramid. She left bruises on that flyers arm trying to hold her steady til they grabbed her foot.

Thank you so much. We are very proud, they have come a LONG LONG way this year.
i figured he had to be a parent of a kid at brandon, but im confused on which team that could be. He has a video of brandon pink but the video gives off the vibe that he isnt a parent of an athlete on that specific team. And one video shows that what im guessing are his kids dont even cheer at brandon.
i find it creepy. Part of me thinks he bought all that crap for his kids, and now maybe his kids have no use for it and he's desperate to get rid of it or something.
i wont lie though im curious how he got the coed elite uniform. Probably from an aged off kid but still curious on how.
i figured he had to be a parent of a kid at brandon, but im confused on which team that could be. He has a video of brandon pink but the video gives off the vibe that he isnt a parent of an athlete on that specific team. And one video shows that what im guessing are his kids dont even cheer at brandon.
i find it creepy. Part of me thinks he bought all that crap for his kids, and now maybe his kids have no use for it and he's desperate to get rid of it or something.
i wont lie though im curious how he got the coed elite uniform. Probably from an aged off kid but still curious on how.
his kids cheer at a gym in Ohio. I know the name but not sure if it's relevant or appropriate to post here. he got the coed Elite uniform from chase who was on Coed last year, but back on TGLC this year

also I don't think he's trying to get rid of anything, as I think he's still trying to collect. I don't THINK most of these were brought, but more given as gifts
I don't get this either!! It states so clearly in the bid declaration that a third highest scoring (Spirit of Texas - Reign) in either the international open large or small coed 5 divisions should be given a bid:
@Keep_Believing, the key word here is "National Champion" (so really, only 1st place teams are eligible). And something else I missed out on was that the "Level 5 International Open" division was listed too. In my head, I read it as, "These are the two level 5 international open divisions eligible - IOSC 5 and IOLC 5" rather than "The divisions are IAG 5, IOSC 5 and IOLC 5" because "Level 5 International Open" wasn't indented (visually makes a huge difference for me). That's why "third highest scoring national champion" didn't make any sense to me at first because I thought they only stated 2 divisions so how could a team be "third highest scoring" and yet still a national champion?

Either way, Varsity is being very hard on international teams this season.
I've noticed that when some athletes age out they try to sell old practice wear and uniforms since they no longer have a use for them. He must buy them through those sites...super creepy. I checked to make sure he wasn't following anyone I know who still cheers, thankfully he wasn't.

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I do not support or condone his behaviors of contacting and focusing on minors. With that said after seeing his social media and watching his video I am convinced he is Asperger's . I feel counseling and social skills sessions could benefit him.

A diagnosis of AS includes social impairments, such as:

  • the lack of social and emotional reciprocity;
  • difficulties in understanding social situations and other people’s thoughts and feelings;
  • tendency to think of issues as being black and white, rather than considering multiple perspectives in a flexible way;
  • frequent tendency to say things without considering the emotional impact on the listener;
  • They usually have an obsessive, consuming interest in one subject, to the exclusion of others. Examples include knowing every fact possible about The Beatles, the Federal Papers, Buddhism, train schedules, cycling, the stock market or Star Trek. Their obsessive interest may even be something that could land them in hot water, such as explosives, deviant sexual interests, computer hacking or firearms. A celebrity (or even YOU) could become their special interest and experience unwanted attention, harassment or stalking. In this situation insert All Star Cheer.

Asperger syndrome is now classified as autism and no longer a separate diagnosis. I know that it's semantics, but it is a much discussed topic in "my world".

I have 3 children on the spectrum and understand this subject well. He may have autism or he may have another disorder. It's impossible to diagnose a person accurately by social media alone. Either way, he needs interventions from friends and family, therapy, and possibly medication.

Having a developmental or psychological disorder is not an excuse for this behavior. People who are on the spectrum are also held accountable and given merciful consequences for their socially inappropriate behavior so that they can learn how to adjust their choices. Also, the majority of the people on the autism spectrum do not display behavior that is similar to that of a pedophile grooming their targets.
Asperger syndrome is now classified as autism and no longer a separate diagnosis. I know that it's semantics, but it is a much discussed topic in "my world".

I have 3 children on the spectrum and understand this subject well. He may have autism or he may have another disorder. It's impossible to diagnose a person accurately by social media alone. Either way, he needs interventions from friends and family, therapy, and possibly medication.

Having a developmental or psychological disorder is not an excuse for this behavior. People who are on the spectrum are also held accountable and given merciful consequences for their socially inappropriate behavior so that they can learn how to adjust their choices. Also, the majority of the people on the autism spectrum do not display behavior that is similar to that of a pedophile grooming their targets.

As a parent of one child with autism, I totally agree with you. (God bless you with three). I don't think we can diagnose from social media. Nor is that an excuse for pedophile behavior. People with ASD have unique behaviors but it is very rare to have pedophile behaviors. Like, under 2%
I saw he also has a LBOD uniform, too. What would a grown man need with uniforms? To lure little girls into his home?
Asperger syndrome is now classified as autism and no longer a separate diagnosis. I know that it's semantics, but it is a much discussed topic in "my world".

I have 3 children on the spectrum and understand this subject well. He may have autism or he may have another disorder. It's impossible to diagnose a person accurately by social media alone. Either way, he needs interventions from friends and family, therapy, and possibly medication.

Having a developmental or psychological disorder is not an excuse for this behavior. People who are on the spectrum are also held accountable and given merciful consequences for their socially inappropriate behavior so that they can learn how to adjust their choices. Also, the majority of the people on the autism spectrum do not display behavior that is similar to that of a pedophile grooming their targets.


@ 4:54 for shots of some of his collection

This is extremely creepy to me, to say the least.

I understand being a fan, having a shirt or two, or even buying a healthy amount of merchandise for his children. This and what I saw on his twitter?? I'm sorry but this is too much. Happy that someone did something about it before it got worse than it was.

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