I guess I'll state my opinion even though it wasn't asked for.
FIRST OFF, I want to start by saying CONGRATSSS to all the New Natty champs on boards! Hard work and dedication pays off!
Second... now I know you guys said you can't declare a mental illness solely off of social media, therefore we should keep something like that off of the boards, I'm insulted and even I find Tim a little weird. Let's not just throw terms and illnesses out there no matter what we think because it's definitely insulting.
Third. Understanding Tim may have a love for the sport, he should keep his love strictly team based. He's (IMO) a little too old to be wanting pics w teenagers. Then again... think of as a "celebrity-fan" type of thing. But in a sport where we're not as famous and have half naked woman, he should've thought "maybeeeeee I should chill out". My love for cheerleading will not die anytime soon but when I turn 40, I will not be going to NCA by myself.
The little "game" he set up for NCA how people had to find athletes and take pictures w them, I found that to be odd and very rude. During a stressful weekend, I don't want random kids running up to me asking for pics for a game. Fan pics? Cool, splendid. A game? No. wether they agreed or not, it still.. shouldn't.. have.. been... proposed.
Not defending Tim (but I'm low key defending) because I find him a little odd but you guys should definitely not be throwing terms at him when you don't know him to even speak. Everyone has an opinion but it's how you state it.