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My backyard neighbors car alarm just went off, it was probably just a cat or something, but I just remembered my keys are in my car and it's unlocked. I'm afraid to go out and lock it incase someone really is out there trying to break into cars.

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No, I haven't. The ones that my grandma had me watch were just short youtube videos and commercials. I'm afraid a documentary/short film will have me crying lol
oh, it will. but it's really amazing. i think everyone should watch it. Every time i think about quickly making a quick call while i'm driving, i think about the woman with the dog & it definitely keeps me in check. to the people who use their phones while driving. i'm not going to lecture you, and tell you what to do, but I encourage you to just watch this.
Oh ok, well that's not the way people are taking it on Twitter. I've seen a ridiculous amount of "there were more people attending NCA than the 2012 Olympics, now tell me cheerleading isn't a sport!" tweets.
Obviously there's a distinct difference between participants and attendees. Maybe someone on twitter should enlighten the folks of that fact.

As an aside, does anyone know how many participants in the 2012 Olympics ? We know the NCA numbers.

However, none of this helps to define cheerleading as a sport. As a matter of fact stupid arguments and immaturity are actually counterproductive to the cheerleading cause.

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Obviously there's a distinct difference between participants and attendees. Maybe someone on twitter should enlighten the folks of that fact.

As an aside, does anyone know how many participants in the 2012 Olympics ? We know the NCA numbers.

However, none of this helps to define cheerleading as a sport. As a matter of fact stupid arguments and immaturity are actually counterproductive to the cheerleading cause.

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When I was reading about it, I believe somewhere around 4000
I just really, really, really need to rant/vent. Tonight, a guy that I don't know or have ever spoken to decided to message me and proceeded to call me "obese like a beached whale", "3 out of 10", I was only "on the team because they needed a fat base for the pyramid", and I'm the "ugliest girl on the team". Again, he doesn't know me so clearly he hasn't seen my old team, not that anyone's ugly, just supporting that he's seriously pulling stuff out of thin air for insults, or is smart enough to know that being fat doesn't mean you can lift or throw someone in the air. It kills me that some people feel like because they're skinny or have muscles, they're so much better and can pass judgement on people. I grew up playing sports all year round and I workout at least three times a week, one of those times with a certified personal trainer since last year. I don't just sit on the couch eating whole pizzas and Big Macs. I'm not 100% happy with my body but I'm working on it and hating the way I look is just a waste of time. Some people are shaped differently and that's OK.
It's fine to have an opinion, even if it is negative, but please don't share it with malicious intent in order to cut someone down and hurt them. Sometimes sharing your negative opinion is just uncalled for and tasteless.
Alright, end rant. Thank you for letting me vent.
I just really, really, really need to rant/vent. Tonight, a guy that I don't know or have ever spoken to decided to message me and proceeded to call me "obese like a beached whale", "3 out of 10", I was only "on the team because they needed a fat base for the pyramid", and I'm the "ugliest girl on the team". Again, he doesn't know me so clearly he hasn't seen my old team, not that anyone's ugly, just supporting that he's seriously pulling stuff out of thin air for insults, or is smart enough to know that being fat doesn't mean you can lift or throw someone in the air. It kills me that some people feel like because they're skinny or have muscles, they're so much better and can pass judgement on people. I grew up playing sports all year round and I workout at least three times a week, one of those times with a certified personal trainer since last year. I don't just sit on the couch eating whole pizzas and Big Macs. I'm not 100% happy with my body but I'm working on it and hating the way I look is just a waste of time. Some people are shaped differently and that's OK.
It's fine to have an opinion, even if it is negative, but please don't share it with malicious intent in order to cut someone down and hurt them. Sometimes sharing your negative opinion is just uncalled for and tasteless.
Alright, end rant. Thank you for letting me vent.

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Obviously there's a distinct difference between participants and attendees. Maybe someone on twitter should enlighten the folks of that fact.

As an aside, does anyone know how many participants in the 2012 Olympics ? We know the NCA numbers.

However, none of this helps to define cheerleading as a sport. As a matter of fact stupid arguments and immaturity are actually counterproductive to the cheerleading cause.

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They (that Craig guy on the ESPN show) said NCA had "over 25k athletes," or "8x more participants" than Sochi, so not even the 2012 Olympics... But I agree. Sure, it's a fun fact, but I feel like it helps to define the sport just about as much as the number of injuries does. I just :confused: whenever I check Twitter during things like that.
oh, it will. but it's really amazing. i think everyone should watch it. Every time i think about quickly making a quick call while i'm driving, i think about the woman with the dog & it definitely keeps me in check. to the people who use their phones while driving. i'm not going to lecture you, and tell you what to do, but I encourage you to just watch this.

Oh man, a dog is involved. I'll be balling as I force my dog to snuggle me. I'm going to watch it on a day where I'm not wearing makeup. And I'm going to make my grandma watch it

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