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Its pictures that you get done before or during your senior year of high school. Most people include a wallet size picture in the graduation party invitations.
Oh wow, ok. So do they get used for anything or are they just a memento of your senior year or something? Pretty sure this doesn't happen at all over here!

My phone likes to take care of me, it's the one that warned me in the first place. But seriously, we don't get tornadoes here. WTF am I supposed to do? Or go? I have nowhere to go..I'm on the second floor of a 2 family. If it starts getting bad should I go sit in my stairwell?
Lost one of our big games last night :( It was so awesome seeing all our fans there for an away game though! Had more fans than the home team & a lot more classy.
When we walked to the home side their student section booed us? Really..? and the people running the parking lot tried to make us pay to get it?! Uhh hello we're cheerleaders... Oh well, our HUGE rival game is next week and we'll be sure to redeem ourselves! :D
Oh wow, ok. So do they get used for anything or are they just a memento of your senior year or something? Pretty sure this doesn't happen at all over here!
They also get used the the yearbook instead of the generic school picture like everyone else has :)
cheerheart4life Your pics are stunning! But could someone please explain what senior pictures are... We don't do them over here and they look like a lot of fun!
Thank you so much! We get them to give to family members and we put senior ads in the back of the yearbook with our baby pics and senior pics. It's such a big thing down here. We spend a lot of money on them haha I think its kinda ridiculous how much
Since Lacey (@cheerheart4life ) posted some of her senior pics I'm going to spam you all with some of mine. Sorry about the watermark, I couldn't edit them off :(

Sorry they're so huge!
Thank you! It was a lot of fun :) The pics where I'm in the pink polo are probably some of my favorite (next to my princess crown one) as we drove down to old St. Augustine and I always love it down there. Your's are super gorgeous!
Thank you :D my favorite of yours is the last one with the door! It's stunning!
both TinyBlondie15 and cheerheart4life -- your pictures are breathtaking. it makes me miss my senior pictures! mine were no where near that elaborate though. My friend has her own photography business, and jokingly told me she'd do my college senior pictures--now I'm half tempted to take her up on it! hahaha
both TinyBlondie15 and cheerheart4life -- your pictures are breathtaking. it makes me miss my senior pictures! mine were no where near that elaborate though. My friend has her own photography business, and jokingly told me she'd do my college senior pictures--now I'm half tempted to take her up on it! hahaha
Thanks:) you should get her to do them! It's so much fun and I bet she wouldn't charge you much!
both TinyBlondie15 and cheerheart4life -- your pictures are breathtaking. it makes me miss my senior pictures! mine were no where near that elaborate though. My friend has her own photography business, and jokingly told me she'd do my college senior pictures--now I'm half tempted to take her up on it! hahaha
Thank you! I agree with Lacey! You should do it!

Also, since we're calling Lacey by her name now you can all call me by my name, Lauren.
So excited proud mom moment, at open gym today my cp runs over and yells, "mommy I'm going to do it!"

I totally thought she meant her layout. She runs back and jumps and I see her twisting. Not like she did a full or anything but they started showing her how to twist and he was spotting her on the twist. I know that's nothing- I mean the coach did the whole thing but the fact they started teaching her how to twist made me burst with excitement!

So I recorded this- I decided that I'm going to put it together and record it ever so often. Then I'm going to make a video of the progression of a full over time until she does it by herself! So exciting!

Wonder how long it takes from a layout to a full. ....

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