The ACA in went into place January 1, 2014 illegal residents would not qualify for insurance which now has to go through the ACA so, my guess is this is a directive from legal for the USASF to CYA. From an ACA site:
Undocumented Immigrants Are Excluded
Because they have no legal status, undocumented residents are exempt from the individual mandate to buy health insurance.
Undocumented residents cannot purchase insurance through the exchanges, and they are not eligible for any health care subsidies. People without legal status are also excluded from Medicaid and CHIP.
To receive health care,
undocumented immigrants will have to depend on charities and public or not-for-profit hospitals. They will continue to get what care they can from community health centers and other safety-net providers. They will continue to show up in hospital emergency rooms and seek last-resort treatment.
Impact of the ACA on International Students:
Impact of the ACA on International Students | Insurance Explained
This is a question for our lawyers out there....If a gym has an athlete that is not covered by the ACA or an International plan, who would ultimately be responsible for their medical bills if injured at a USASF sanctioned event?