You are right. However, this specific child of mine, is NOT an incredibly passionate athlete. To be honest, I agreed to the double teaming for her because it was the ONLY thing that made her want to keep cheering. For whatever reason, she does not like to fly at all. BUT she's great at it and it's realistically the only position she'll ever have unless she grows A LOT! Basing makes her feel "older" maybe or "bigger". I think she feels like flying is the baby spot. lol I know her line of thinking is CRAZY, but she's stubborn and you cannot break her. lol So ya, for her, there is not dream goal. I'm just trying to hang on to her as long as possible before she decides to quit for good. If, however, she was at a gym where making a certain level 5 team would be hard to do, I would have a much different attitude about it. ;)