So is kiara's standing pass legal? And what about the girl on elites standing? And do they still alow standing Bhs whip dub
A. Skills are allowed up to 1 flipping and 2 twisting rotations.
B. Tumbling skills involving flipping and twisting immediately into a double twisting tumbling skill are not allowed.
C. Twisting skills immediately out of a double twisting tumbling skill are not allowed.
D. In standing tumbling only, skills involving two twists (i.e. Double fulls) must be immediately preceded by a minimum of two backward traveling, non-twisting tumbling skills. One of these two skills must be a back handspring.
Read the rules and try to figure it out on your own, it will help you better understand what the rules are saying if you read them.
Both Cali passes are LEGAL under these rules. You should try and figure out why they are legal to help yourself better understand :)
Test your own knowledge and solve your own question :)
Does a BHS whip double follow the Rules A-C?
Is it Standing tumbling? If yes, read Rule D.
Does a standing BHS whip double , involve 2 twists?
Does the double have 2 Backward traveling non-twisting tumbling skills before it?
Are one of these two skills a BHS?
So is a standing BHS whip Double legal?
Hint**If you answered Yes to those 5 questions above then YES it is legal.