All-Star New Tumbling Rules 2012-2013

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hahah i know :)

i eta it but i dont think you saw it, are punch fronts out of doubles allowed?

For example Front ROBHS 1/1/2 ROBHS whip Double - Punch Front....

The following skill restrictions only apply for Youth 5 and Senior Restricted 5 divisions:
1. Tumbling skills are allowed up to 1 flipping and 1 twisting rotation.
In tumbling, twisting skills may ONLY be performed if immediately preceded by a back handspring(s) or round off. During a full-twisting tumbling skill, no trick other than the twist is allowed (including but not limited to: split fulls,
hitch kick fulls, X-Fulls, Full-Xouts) and both feet must land and finish on the performing surface (i.e. no full twisting tumbling to seat, prone body landings or similar). Clarification: All skills up to a full twist are also allowed. (example: half twists and Arabians) Additional tumbling skills may be performed prior to the round-off and/or back handspring.

2. No tumbling is allowed after the twisting skill. (Exception: A forward or backward roll is allowed after a twisting skill; however, no tumbling is allowed after the roll.) Clarification: If any tumbling follows a forward or backward roll or forward or backward twisting skill, at least one
step into the next tumbling skill must be included to separate the two passes. Stepping out of a twisting skill (i.e. Arabian) or forward roll is considered a continuation of the same tumbling pass. An athlete must take an additional
step out of a twisting skill step out or a forward roll step out. However, if the athlete finishes the twisting skill or stands the forward roll with both feet together, then one step is all that is needed to create a new tumbling pass.

Based on what I just read that would be legal in standard 5, illegal in restricted 5 or youth 5. What is not allowed is a second twisting skill immediately connected to the first twisting skill.
thanks! its all so confusing, i really wish these new rules were not in place. im glad im not a coach because i really dont think i would be able to understand all that!
canttouchthis - I admit I don't always get it the first, second or tenth time I read it either. You end up reading what it says, then reading what it does not say, then putting scenarios together and thinking if that would violate the letter or the law or the spirit of the law. Then you ask around with several people to see if you all come to the same conclusion. Then you go to Les Stella.

What I have found in my own experience is violating the spirit of the law may get you a warning but not a deduction while violating the letter of the law usually will get you a deduction in most cases. These are the areas where you hear most of the cries of favoritism, bias etc. towards some programs where they have found a grey area/loophole within the rules and will sit right there until they are told to move.
canttouchthis - I admit I don't always get it the first, second or tenth time I read it either. You end up reading what it says, then reading what it does not say, then putting scenarios together and thinking if that would violate the letter or the law or the spirit of the law. Then you ask around with several people to see if you all come to the same conclusion. Then you go to Les Stella.

What I have found in my own experience is violating the spirit of the law may get you a warning but not a deduction while violating the letter of the law usually will get you a deduction in most cases. These are the areas where you hear most of the cries of favoritism, bias etc. towards some programs where they have found a grey area/loophole within the rules and will sit right there until they are told to move.
yeah i keep putting passes together in my head and im like well is that okay? then no it does so and so and thats illegal.
i understand the safety issues with coaches not being able to coach properly but if they would do the regional summits like gymnastics we wouldnt have this issue and the athletes could continue to grow!
So is kiara's standing pass legal? And what about the girl on elites standing? And do they still alow standing Bhs whip dub
So is kiara's standing pass legal? And what about the girl on elites standing? And do they still alow standing Bhs whip dub

A. Skills are allowed up to 1 flipping and 2 twisting rotations.
B. Tumbling skills involving flipping and twisting immediately into a double twisting tumbling skill are not allowed.
C. Twisting skills immediately out of a double twisting tumbling skill are not allowed.
D. In standing tumbling only, skills involving two twists (i.e. Double fulls) must be immediately preceded by a minimum of two backward traveling, non-twisting tumbling skills. One of these two skills must be a back handspring.

Read the rules and try to figure it out on your own, it will help you better understand what the rules are saying if you read them.

Both Cali passes are LEGAL under these rules. You should try and figure out why they are legal to help yourself better understand :)

Test your own knowledge and solve your own question :)

Does a BHS whip double follow the Rules A-C?

Is it Standing tumbling? If yes, read Rule D.

Does a standing BHS whip double , involve 2 twists?

Does the double have 2 Backward traveling non-twisting tumbling skills before it?

Are one of these two skills a BHS?

So is a standing BHS whip Double legal?

Hint**If you answered Yes to those 5 questions above then YES it is legal.
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