So is Nfinity the only shoe company allowed in Cheerleading? Last time I checked this was a Capitalist system. I like competition. I bought Nfinity's for years. I had so many complaints from customers that hated them because of how quick they tore up. But there basically was No other options for me to choose from so I just dealt with it. More Competition is good in my opinion. The Varsity shoe will make Nfinity make a better product and vice versa. Rockstar used the Inspire and will be using the Last Pass. So far so good for us. The durability has been better than Nfinity for the Inspire. It is a heavier shoe that works great for my Level 1,2,3,4 teams. Only a few of my level 5 kid complained saying they were too heavy. Now with the Last pass those kids will have a lighter shoe.
My point is, Nfinity doesn't own the shoe market. Nobody does. More choices is good IMO. Different strokes for different folks