I tell my mom about all the people I know who go to tanning beds or lay out w/o sunscreen to get tan. She always says "at this point, I'd rather everyone just get a spray tan even if they're orange." Which is funny bc she hated spray tans when she first saw people getting them for cheer.
I wear sunscreen any time I'm at the pool or outside for a long time, but even with reapplying every hour and a half I still get super tan super fast. As in, I was at the pool for 4 hours over the Fourth of July and when I came back everyone was like "YOURE SO TAN what did you do lay out all week?"
I absolutely can't stand when my friends tell me they don't wear sunscreen bc they're pale and want to be tan, or they go to the tanning bed every other day to get ready for summer. I'm like "have fun with your skin cancer.... But hey at least you were tan for your senior pics!" I had a girl (who looked like a lobster at the time) tell me she doesn't believe in sunscreen... Okay, do you believe in cancer? Because ITS REAL.
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