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Yeah I hated when they did that "Im as brown as Erin". Like. You wish

I've always wondered what a sun burn felt like. Not a description. But to feel one with out actually having one. I mean I know that it possible for me to sun's just never happened. I'm willing to be if it did I wouldn't recognize it as such and would go running into an ER screaming that I have leprosy

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Cp got sun poison one time. I can tell you from a mom's perspective it was not fun! She makes sure to lather on sunscreen and wear her sunglasses now,when she knows she'll be in the sun for long periods of time.
I've always wondered what a sun burn felt like. Not a description. But to feel one with out actually having one. I mean I know that it possible for me to sun's just never happened. I'm willing to be if it did I wouldn't recognize it as such and would go running into an ER screaming that I have leprosy

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Just imagine every part of your body stinging and hurting every time it moves and wanting to sit in a lukewarm tub all day. And then all of your skin sheds off. Fun times, really.
Surfing is the worst for I know why surfers all have those white noses- because the amount of time you're in the water combined with movement and being rather surface-level. Yeah, all of the sunburns.

There was that one time at the Cape where I put on sunscreen after I had put on my shorts and forgot I did that. I had everyone eying my normal burn spots (nose, upper chest, shoulders), but not me as a whole. My entire upper thigh area was cherry red. So much pain.
I think at a comp where there are stage lights, a spray tan is a good thing and I plan to tan my CP if the comp is a stage light comp. Having been in competition dance, there was just a huge difference between the ones that were tanned and the ones that weren't once they got out under those stage lights, and wow did the tanned ones look worlds better - just more professional, serious and "well put together". And even the most orange and unnatural looking fake tan still looked great on stage, and the darker the better.

Now for a comp that is just in a gym w/regular lighting (like you'd see at a basketball game), I think a fake tan would have the opposite effect and look cheesy, so for a comp like that I will not tan her.

There's no way a tanning bed can safely tan someone w/ a light complexion (basically the ones who need the spray tan the most) to be as dark as a good spray tan can get them w/ one application. The person would either burn or look like a leather purse by the time they were tan enough and it really would be unhealthy at any age. Maybe one those kids who already have tanner skin could take it to the next level w/a few times in a bed, but not someone who's really white.
One year we had to practice outside all summer bc of construction and I had a knee injury, so I would come to prac on crutches with an immobilizer from my brace. THe brace covered the top half of my calf to the top half of my thigh and I had the worst tanlines everrrr. One from my shorts, then there would be a block of tan skin, then pale, then more tan lol
The orange is awful, but I'd rather see Oompa Loompas than girls using tanning beds and getting skin cancer!

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For sure. If you're gonna tan then fake tan is the best way to go. No baking like a potato necessary!
Just imagine every part of your body stinging and hurting every time it moves and wanting to sit in a lukewarm tub all day. And then all of your skin sheds off. Fun times, really.
Or really big blisters form on your body and one pops while you're in the 7th grade and soaks the back of your shirt. True story.

Cp got sun poison one time. I can tell you from a mom's perspective it was not fun! She makes sure to lather on sunscreen and wear her sunglasses now,when she knows she'll be in the sun for long periods of time.

From a personal perspective I can tell you it sucks too! My parents felt so bad- they were good about the suncscreen, but the redheads required more of it than my brunette siblings and we were out at the beach all day for two days. Water and sand; terrible combo as it accelarates the amount of sun you get. *Same in the snow the too btw! Not many people would think about that, getting sunburned in Alaska during the in between time when it's sunny yet the snow hasn't completely melted.*

I have to actually reapply every hour or so.

There's no way a tanning bed can safely tan someone period. There's no such thing as a safe tan (except a fake tan).

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This is absolutely correct. I remember 10-15yrs ago tanning beds were touted as "safer" bc they only produced UVA rays, not UVB's. UVA's aren't as damaging to the skin as UVB's, but they do age you faster (think UVA- Aging, UVB-Burning and natural UVC rays are mostly absorbed in our atmosphere before they can cause us sufficient damage).

Anyway, fastforward to present day and now we find out that tanning beds not only accelerate the aging process (which was already known), but surprise, they cause skin cancer too!! Looking back, really how stupid was the public to buy into the hype that tanning w/only UVA beds wouldn't cause cancer. :confused:
My best friend is half black and she lays out and uses the tanning bed. She's definitely black but in the winter her skin gets pale and has sort of a greenish tint to it. You can imagine the looks she gets from people when she goes to the tanning bed lol.

One of my other friends is basically one step up from being albino. She tried tanning once and burnt to a crisp. Then she tried a spray tan and had an allergic reaction. She had since excepted that she will never be tan and always carries sunscreen with her wherever she goes.

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I. Love. Having. Chocolate and Mocha-skinned. CPs.

Except they choose weave instead of tanning. But at least weave doesn't cause melanoma.
I love a good weave! Don't like the price,but love not having to deal with hair early in the morning!
Or really big blisters form on your body and one pops while you're in the 7th grade and soaks the back of your shirt. True story.

From a personal perspective I can tell you it sucks too! My parents felt so bad- they were good about the suncscreen, but the redheads required more of it than my brunette siblings and we were out at the beach all day for two days. Water and sand; terrible combo as it accelarates the amount of sun you get. *Same in the snow the too btw! Not many people would think about that, getting sunburned in Alaska during the in between time when it's sunny yet the snow hasn't completely melted.*

I have to actually reapply every hour or so.
You can see my cp in the profile pic;when she got sun poison,all I kept saying was, I don't think we know any black people who have ever got sick from the sun; (Only my child, I guess..:rolleyes:) she was so miserable and I had no idea on how to help her;I was so glad for our sun experienced friends help!p
I've always wondered what a sun burn felt like. Not a description. But to feel one with out actually having one. I mean I know that it possible for me to sun's just never happened. I'm willing to be if it did I wouldn't recognize it as such and would go running into an ER screaming that I have leprosy

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I know, right?

My (much lighter) cousin got one at the water park once and I was like "What is it like?" She couldn't describe it beyond saying "It hurts and itches really bad like you have poison ivy."

This is me my first summer in Texas, I forgot to put sunblock on my back. Oops

Eta: I don't lay out and never have this was just from being in the pool all day
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This is me my first summer in Texas, I forgot to put sunblock on my back. Oops

Eta: I don't lay out and never have this was just from being in the pool all day
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm thankful for my dad for giving me skin that rarely burns. My sister has my moms skin and burns basically every time she's in the sun, but I rarely ever burn, I've never peeled and if I get a little red it never hurts. I just get a little red my first trip to the pool each summer, but after that I just get dark.

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