All-Star No Tolerance For Underage Drinking At Worlds?!

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When a good majority of the athletes are drinking underage then why should the USASF give them an opportunity to celebrate? Unless the USASF and Disney checks everyone before they enter there is going to be a problem. I feel like once the competition is over some coaches don't care what their athletes are doing as long as they make their flight the next day.
OH COME ON, she was standing up for herself and the rights of other people. that violence this is seriously uncalled for, SHES ONE OF THE FEW SMART TEENAGERS left in this generation, let her fight for her right. Its one thing to drink, but being obnoixious and rude in public is just annoying to anyone, trying to act cool perhaps? if youre gonna drink at worlds do it in your own hotel room.

IF YOU READ MY OTHER POST i said that I WASN'T IN FAVOR OF UNDERAGE DRINKING and that I REALIZE DRUNK PEOPLE CAN BE OBNOXIOUS. Sorry for the all caps but I just thought I'd return the favor.
Good lord. When I was an athlete I had to go out of town quite a few times for events and competitions. We had to sign an athlete contract at the beginning of each season stating that we wouldn't be caught in any "unsavory" activities during the season (which were outlined in the contract). It was so clear to us that if we were caught underage drinking at any function where we were representing our team we would be responsible for paying back ANY funds we had received towards the trip (including fundraising) - and our parents had to sign it too. I'm pretty sure if I was a gym owner you'd be signing something like this for Worlds - and I don't care WHAT kind of skills you can throw. You're not going to go somewhere with the name of MY business all over you and act like an idiot when you're representing me. Where are these kids' parents and the owners of their gyms???

Another note--I brought up this discussion with my daughter and I said "I guess they are just trying to make sure Worlds is fun so these other countries will still want to come" and my daughter (who is 16) said "Really? It's WORLDS. It's not like it's some lame school dance... really? WORLDS isn't enough fun without getting drunk? I'd think just being there would be enough. " Sometimes i love her so much...
I get that it's annoying..I get that it's illegal..I get that it's not the right time or place. But those athletes who choose to do deal with their own consequences. If you think you're mature enough to make that decision, by all means make it, but then be the one responsible for it. If you're going to go to a "block party" and expect there to not be drinking...I applaud you for your high expectations but it's also a bit naive. The best you can do is hold yourself accountable for your actions and represent your gym and team the way you feel appropriate. For those who don't, it's on them. You can't control the actions of those around you. Point blank.
I attended the block party with my daughter and her friend and it was a miserable event! I wish I could get my money back!! Adults were far and few between. I witnessed such obnoxious behavior that I will never let my child attend the event again....chaperoned or not. Saw a girl puking in the middle of the street. Kids throwing trash everywhere while disney employees were around them trying to sweep things up. Saw a group attempting wheelchair stunting using a disney wheelchair. Rude behavior towards the disney tour guide on the Great Movie Ride. The mob trying to have a dance party at the hat while yelling obscenities at the security guards....just lovely! The best was the 2 kids passed out on the sidewalk just outside the front gates. Disney security was trying to get them up while kids stood around and laughed about them being drunk. There was only 5 attractions open for the kids and we did them all in less than 2 hours. We opted to leave early but on our way out we heard them start to shut the party down thanks to the poor behavior.

All weekend long during the competition they were announcing the block party and included friends and family. Well, this is not a family friendly event. Parents and coaches need to control their kids. Period.

Exactly! My mother is in a wheelchair and she tried to go to the block party with us. She saw the kids messing around with the disney wheelchairs while the staff was just standing there watching them. One of them said under their breath, "wow thats really dangerous" and my mom had more than a few words to share with ALL of them. Not only is it dangerous but its extremely disrespectful. What if someone actually needed that wheelchair? The event was too crazy so she had to leave. Its just sad that not everyone can enjoy something like this. I went to worlds just to WATCH and felt no need to drink. It messes with alot of others experiences. This event was held at disney, so cheer competition or not, NO teenager should be aloud to be in there drunk. Security was not even called with my situation, regardless that there was a cup full of alcohol. Its sad I wont be able to enjoy the block party next year. I do not want to deal with the inconsiderate people.
I also wondered where the coaches were for this group. I know teenagers want their freedom, heck I tried to spend alot of time away from my parents that weekend, but if they cant be responsible they shouldnt have any. One of my main points of this thread was that USASF made it clear there was not going to be any tolerance for it. That there were going to be extreme consequences. So far it seems like there wasnt any. If they don't inforce rules how can they expect anyone to follow them?
Again...these issues can be minimized when the gyms have policies in place, monitor their athletes, and follow through with punishments when appropriate.

My daughter has never been on a senior team that travels together so I really don't know the exact rules that our gym has in place. However last time this came up I asked my then 10 year old daughter "What do you think would happen if you were caught drinking at a competition or even at Worlds?" Her answer "I'd be sent home." I even asked again "What if this was WORLDS, your team was maybe in Gold Medal contention, and you were last pass or point flyer?" She said "I'd be sent home."

I don't really know if "sending someone home" is our policy or not however that's not really the point. My cp already knows there are severe consequences for bad behavior and her gym has a zero tolerance policy for it. How many kids do you think will drink and act inappropriately during a competition if they knew the policy was to immediately leave the competition or even be asked to leave the gym for the following season?

When gyms teach the consequences of bad behanvior from the moment kids first start competing then there aren't many issues when they hit senior age teams.
Again...these issues can be minimized when the gyms have policies in place, monitor their athletes, and follow through with punishments when appropriate.

My daughter has never been on a senior team that travels together so I really don't know the exact rules that our gym has in place. However last time this came up I asked my then 10 year old daughter "What do you think would happen if you were caught drinking at a competition or even at Worlds?" Her answer "I'd be sent home." I even asked again "What if this was WORLDS, your team was maybe in Gold Medal contention, and you were last pass or point flyer?" She said "I'd be sent home."

I don't really know if "sending someone home" is our policy or not however that's not really the point. My cp already knows there are severe consequences for bad behavior and her gym has a zero tolerance policy for it. How many kids do you think will drink and act inappropriately during a competition if they knew the policy was to immediately leave the competition or even be asked to leave the gym for the following season?

When gyms teach the consequences of bad behanvior from the moment kids first start competing then there aren't many issues when they hit senior age teams.

Yeah, Im on Charlotte too. I actually didnt see any other charlotte kids at the block party. I know why now. Thats one of the things I love so much about this gym is that you will hardly ever or never catch any of athletes acting like that.
My twitter was a boatload of hilarity on Sunday night...i kept checking it to see what kind of trouble the kids were getting into next...BUT the majority of athletes I follow on twitter are older teens or over 21.
The thing that concerns me about events like this is the possibility of kids being taken advantage of while in this state. The ones I followed were in groups so they were safe but what about that 15 year old that gets drunk, ditched, and then picked up by a non savory individual? I bet USASF would stand up and take notice if they were sued for a child getting molested or worse at Worlds.
I know its the worse case scenario but I was a drunk 14 year old once and have seen the bad decisions kids can make while under the influence.
BTW didn't another country do this last year (I want to say Slovenia but mabe it was another country).
Also if she sucker punched that girl it was because she was protecting her sister. I know another sister on here that would have scratched someone's eyes out if they came at her little sister like that!
well then again, i dont blame the the norm in other countries its okay for them to drink! were as well as like 3 more countries the only one to allow drinking past 21 everyone else is 18 and under or so. so i cant blame for what they were taught growing up that it was okay to drink and then come for a weekend and its not okay. i know its agianst our laws but we shouldnt hold it against them! and as far as U.S atheletes drinking thats the responsibility of the parents not USASF! there cheer and dance not alcohol prevention! If you see it you should report it to peace officers! thats my opinion

When theyre in the US they are required to follow US laws.
I asked my 17 year old daughter would she drink at worlds and she told me, "mom, worlds is the BIGGEST cheer competition of the season. Underage drinking illegal in the US and besides that, why would I drink and risk falling and hurting myself the night before finals, falling out of a stunt on finals, having a hangover on finals or not even remembering the weekend because I was drunk?! And besides that, I wouldn't want to embarrass you,my coaches, my teams or my country ." Not only did my daughter make me extremely proud of her, I agree with her 100%, you are there for a huge international competition. You can party and get drunk another weekend, but for that weekend, don't drink.

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