All-Star Not Showing Up To A Competition

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Does your gym check grades and if they are failing they can't participate/compete? I think more probably should. I know ours does not. If they are cheering at school or playing sports thru school we have no pas/no play and that applies to everyone involved in any extra curriculiar activity be it sports, cheer, band, drill, etc.

How many are at gyms that do check grades?

My daughter's 7, so she's never been asked for her grades. I believe the older girls have to turn in their report cards periodically. I haven't been around long enough to know how strictly it's enforced, but the policy is in place.
Apparently last night at a sleepover she got into a fight (not physical but a "you're mean I don't like you right now" type thing) with her best friend, who is also on the team and was driving her to the competition, so she did not want to go anymore.
Sometimes I loathe middle school girls.

Where was the girls parents that she spent the night with that were responsible for getting her there???? Same goes for the girl that did not show, her parents? Or, are these girls old enough to drive themself? Still, the parent where she was staying SHOULD have made sure she got there. So this girls parents have been shelling out a lot of money and she decides now that from a tiff from spending the night she won't go compete. UGH! Not just the kids (middle school, double UGH!) but THE PARENTS?!!!!! For acting like middle schoolers themselves.

Am I the only parent that does not allow my children to spend the night w/ friends be they teammates or not the night before a game or competition? I never have as I want to be 100% certain that everything is my control since my child is my responsibility to make sure they get a good nights sleep, have all of their stuff together the night before, get up on time, eat properly, etc and get there ON TIME! We have always been one of the first people there be it a soccer game, band concert or cheer competition. Just curious? Maybe gyms should advise parents to not allow sleepovers the night before cometitions.
Where was the girls parents that she spent the night with that were responsible for getting her there???? Same goes for the girl that did not show, her parents? Or, are these girls old enough to drive themself? Still, the parent where she was staying SHOULD have made sure she got there. So this girls parents have been shelling out a lot of money and she decides now that from a tiff from spending the night she won't go compete. UGH! Not just the kids (middle school, double UGH!) but THE PARENTS?!!!!! For acting like middle schoolers themselves.

Am I the only parent that does not allow my children to spend the night w/ friends be they teammates or not the night before a game or competition? I never have as I want to be 100% certain that everything is my control since my child is my responsibility to make sure they get a good nights sleep, have all of their stuff together the night before, get up on time, eat properly, etc and get there ON TIME! We have always been one of the first people there be it a soccer game, band concert or cheer competition. Just curious? Maybe gyms should advise parents to not allow sleepovers the night before cometitions.

I don't know this for sure...just going on what the post said. It sounds like the sleepover was because of the competition. Sounds like one parent was supposed to be driving both girls and then the fight happened. I do allow sleepovers for that--sometimes Mom has to work on comp day, and has to carpool with another mom. I know some moms are perfect and can be at every comp, but at my last job (restaurant, so we worked weekends) there were THREE of us from the same gym working together--two of us were parents, and one girl was actually one of the cheerleaders from the gym. So obviously she got first dibs on days off. The other 2 of us had to take turns getting the day off for comps. I would have to carpool for those comps I couldn't get the day off. If it's a comp that has an early time (like they have to be there at 7 AM), sometimes it's just easier to sleep over the night before.

This is NOT to say I'm OK with her not showing up! I definitely would have called the other mom and explained that I felt like they both needed to be there in spite of the fight, and still driven her. Or if it was my child and I wasn't the one driving I would have definitely told the driving mom to pleeeeease take her anyway and we would deal with the fight aftermath AFTER the comp. I was just explaining the sleep over part--i definitely still think this excuse was LAME and everyone involved should be talked to and the issue resolved, upto and including removal from the team.
my gym takes a bus to competitions and it is mandatory that you go on the bus....
We had 3 people do that to us last year on our Seinor 4.2 team. It was a mess. Unfortunately, their reason was because of recreational drug use...
Oddly enough, It was at the same competition we were at yesterday (location and company). I think that place is bad luck for us. Radiator falling on a child, a mothers car being sliced open from a hit and run, one child missing because of serious illness, another sick all day..
we were at the competition yesterday where the radiator fell on the little 6 year old. the poor thing didnt even get to compete yet, and had to get life flighted to the hospital. is she from your program? how is she doing? i heard she had some broken bones and stuff.
Today I had a girl on my Junior 2 team not show up for competition. No call or text from the parents or the athlete. I was completely blindsided...

We were able to rework the stunts and formations and fortunately my girls really pulled it together to make it work and hit their routine with only .5 in deductions!!

If I were a parent I would never allow my CP to miss a competition or any major event... especially without telling the coaches and I was wondering if this has ever happened to your program or team?

How did you handle the situation?

I heard about this Casey, I'm really sorry but glad to hear they did werk on the floor!
@momof2 @Just-a-Mom

They were sleeping over at the driving girls house because our meet time was 8am and there was a 3 hour drive. From what I heard, after their fight, the girl who did no show up was picked up by her parents and went back to her house for the night.

We heard about her potentially not coming from one girl on the team so we texted her to see if she was coming, needed a ride, or to let us know anything. No response until much after our 8am meet time.

Something my parents instilled in me (and something I plan to teach in my children) is that you must keep a commitment. The family is new to cheer and may not have known how important every member is to the routine. However this is still not an excuse to show up to a competition. Sometimes you have to do something that is inconvenient (like driving 3 hours to a competition) in order to do what is right.
@momof2 @Just-a-Mom

They were sleeping over at the driving girls house because our meet time was 8am and there was a 3 hour drive. From what I heard, after their fight, the girl who did no show up was picked up by her parents and went back to her house for the night.

We heard about her potentially not coming from one girl on the team so we texted her to see if she was coming, needed a ride, or to let us know anything. No response until much after our 8am meet time.

Something my parents instilled in me (and something I plan to teach in my children) is that you must keep a commitment. The family is new to cheer and may not have known how important every member is to the routine. However this is still not an excuse to show up to a competition. Sometimes you have to do something that is inconvenient (like driving 3 hours to a competition) in order to do what is right.

Ugh, this is what I thought. As a parent I can't imagine indulging this at all--the parents on both sides should have told these 2 to suck it up and go to comp and deal with it AFTER. But even if they picked her up and brought her home, I totally agree--they should have just driven the 3 hours and been there no matter what. If they genuinely couldn't drive her for whatever reason they should have been calling you and everyone else they could as early as possible to get her another ride--I think I would have been fine with a 4 AM phone call begging for a ride (Lord knows we'd have been up anyway with a 3 hour drive and an 8 AM meet time!)

I'm so sorry this happened to you guys! How inconsiderate. Good luck with whatever you end up doing with her.
thats unaaceptable... shame on the parents, not the girl! they should tell her that she made a commitment and NEEDS TO KEEP IT. ive had girls miss the last practice before cheersport and indy because they had homework and had to study before midterms... touch luck honey, we ALL have homework. but we came to practice. smh.
Ugh, this is what I thought. As a parent I can't imagine indulging this at all--the parents on both sides should have told these 2 to suck it up and go to comp and deal with it AFTER. But even if they picked her up and brought her home, I totally agree--they should have just driven the 3 hours and been there no matter what. If they genuinely couldn't drive her for whatever reason they should have been calling you and everyone else they could as early as possible to get her another ride--I think I would have been fine with a 4 AM phone call begging for a ride (Lord knows we'd have been up anyway with a 3 hour drive and an 8 AM meet time!)

I'm so sorry this happened to you guys! How inconsiderate. Good luck with whatever you end up doing with her.

Sounds like the parents are acting like the junior high kids in this scenario. The parent that had the girls could have put a stop to it. They also could have explained to BOTH girls the consequences of their actions and not just one of them not making it to the competition. But their words and how they do hurt others and such. Their words of exchange not only hurt those two but a whole team. If it had been my kid.............. she would have been there but don't ask her to sit down.

Guess those parents w/ the girl that didn't show up will now see just how childish they acted. Then again........... maybe not. They may think that they were in the right......... geesh......
thats unaaceptable... shame on the parents, not the girl! they should tell her that she made a commitment and NEEDS TO KEEP IT. ive had girls miss the last practice before cheersport and indy because they had homework and had to study before midterms... touch luck honey, we ALL have homework. but we came to practice. smh.

It's a tough world out there when we have parents that simply do not understand that themselves. As I said earlier, when I coached my daughters soccer team we had a girl that her parents were divorced. She wanted to play and mom signed her up. Since MOM signed her up and NOT DAD........ whenever dad had her for the weekend he flat out REFUSED to bring her to practices AND games. He was trying to get back at the mom. Instead he was hurting his own child AND the entire team. I since heard this happens a lot with parents that were not amicable in their divorce and raising their children.

How can a parent teach commitment to a team when they can't even be responsible enough for that themselves.
No one at my gym ever checks for grades... they should!! because my practice ends at 9pm and who wants to do hw that late when you've been working hard for 3 hours in the gym?? i know i wouldn't and before practice is like right after school

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