Does your gym check grades and if they are failing they can't participate/compete? I think more probably should. I know ours does not. If they are cheering at school or playing sports thru school we have no pas/no play and that applies to everyone involved in any extra curriculiar activity be it sports, cheer, band, drill, etc.
How many are at gyms that do check grades?
It is a toughie as a parent because school should always come first. But there should be no reason why a child that is in a sport should not have proper time management to be able to get their schoolwork done and be able to participate in something outside of school. If the parents are seeing to it all the time, every day, that their child is staying up w/ their schoolwork and they know well ahead of time that there is a 2 day competition coming up.......... why are they NOT staying on top of it????? But, gotta say that the family that this girl is from is kind of strange anyway. They don't have the whole "commitment" thing down in many areas of life from what I've seen. Mom and dad won't BOTH attend competitions (divorced). If mom is going to be taking her then dad won't come, if dad is bringing her then mom won't come. ????????? Sorry, but it's my CHILD! I'll be there.
LOL!!! She knows this is her last year for soccer. She said she is going to miss it but she likes cheer and band more than soccer. So far we have not had many conflicts and I'm GLAD!!! I hate having to choose as it's a let down to both if you are not there.