I see your points, it's definitely a case of you get what ask for. While I can't offer a specific solution other than make the ranges wider (which brings us back to the original problem the grid solved) what I ultimately would like to see is us having enough qualified judges to utilize a scoresheet and philosophy more similar to the worlds (ie gridless and being scored directly against what the other teams in your division do) I just don't see that as feasible with the size of our industry and the size of the 3 major nationals.
The Worlds Scoresheet would be the easiest to implement, but the Coaches would never have it. There seems to be a lot of frustration on the vagueness of the score sheet. I applaud Les for resisting pressure to become more specific, but at this point--the worlds score sheet resembles nothing like what teams are using all season long. I don't think that's the answer.
The grid lowers the difficulty of judging therefore there are more judges capable of doing a good job, and to accurately get the general placements right more often than not, and I completely understand that. I think the most fair way would be a points system (with caps so I can't have a level 2 team do 30 standing bhs a piece and ignore the rest of the routine because I get 1800 points on difficulty in standing tumbling) and someone whose job it is to review routines and assign the difficulty score. Then have separate panel judges who score the execution and abstract parts of the routine.
However, I see the much bigger costs both in tech, labor, and time required to score (and I'm sure you've heard many times how much we love competitions that run on schedule lol) I definitely don't envy your job of trying to please your customers while maintaining the integrity of the competition. Speaking as a coach for a second and not an event producer, what would your personal dream scoresheet look like? Also, when Varsity is working on scoresheets and similar issues (I'm sure that's a pretty constant process), do you have focus groups or something similar with coaches that you work with to help bounce ideas and get suggestions? If so how would one get involved in that?
I don't think we are too far off track but I think there needs to be re-evaluation.As an Event Producer, I'd like to go BACK to one point ranges, with no Low, Medium, or High subranges while implementing very strict caps. I think having caps lessens the need for tighter ranges.
If you've tried scoring on the new system yet, its not easy. And you spend so much time counting elite transitions, or counting the back handsprings in the running tumbling, you aren't left a lot of opportunity to give your opinion on the actual skills. I would suggest the judges don't get to enjoy the great routines that coaches are putting so much care and thought into.
Aside from my discussions with coaches at every event last year and the conversations our Scoring Committee has with their customers, I did conduct two focus groups leading into this year's system. I usually select coaches that I can tell have an understanding of cheer, an understanding of MATH, and an open mind to the opposing opinion.
If you don't mind me asking, who is this? 99% of the time, I don't even know who I'm chatting with on here--and the ? doesn't ring a bell :)
Ps to any admin that reads this (I get an error when trying to tag Justin in this) it says I don't have permission to tag people in messages?[/quote]