One Girl Doing a Rewind, still wont get the job done. Technically on a team of 24, in order to hit the collegiate range, you must use the maximum amount of stunts possible, so you would have to do 8 unassisted rewinds, other inversion ups, or full ups to immediate body position. What is somewhat crazy about this, is this is the only level that REQUIRES Elite Unassisted Stunts, so because it follows the rest of the other level score sheets, if you do unassisted stunts, you only require one spotter, therefore an open coed 6 team would have to 8 Stunts (8 x 3 = 24) No one would have came close to maxing out on this last year, T & S only did 7 Stunts, and Cheer Athletics only did 7 as well. Now, T & S did do 9 unassisted High to High tick Tocks, which I consider Collegiate, but this score sheet doesn't directly say it except for possibly under the "Other unique mounts and transitions of similar difficulty level" category.
I think that separating All-Girl and Coed by different point ranges is completely fine. It's extremely similar to NCA college Nationals, and I definitively think that NCA's policy of averaging them to a 100 point is PERFECT!! It honestly opens up the door for an all girl team to max out as well as score higher out of a 100 point scale easier than it would be on a Coed Team.