Oldest All Star Programs still in business (continuous operation w/teams)
1988 - Greensboro All Stars, ASG Cougar Cheer
1990 - Charlotte All Stars, Cheer Station
1991 - * GymTyme All Stars
1992 - * Pro Cheer (GA), * NEO Allstars
1994 - Cheer Athletics, Texas Lonestar, World Cup, Premier Athletics
1995 - Top Gun, Memphis Elite, Spirit of Texas, Cheergyms.com, Brandon, Cheer Illinois Athletics
1996 - CJA, Twist and Shout, CNY Storm, Cheer Extreme, American Cheer
1997 - Pro Spirit, Champion Cheer, USA (VA)
1998 - ACX, Power
* Unconfirmed dates about when their all star team program started. These dates are believed to be when the facility opened for classes. More info needed.