All-Star Only Seniors Can Expose Midriff???

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Is this within the new guidelines?
i believe so because it technically is a full top
The reason why they MUST have this rule:
I know your intention was to show how inappropriate a uniform with a crop and an uber short skirt can look on a little one (and it makes the point very well), but just be aware that this is a picture of a minor and it has her name and team on it. If someone posted a picture of my cp without my permission on here and it had her name and team on it as well, I would be very angry and upset. If it's your own child, ignore the above post.
I know your intention was to show how inappropriate a uniform with a crop and an uber short skirt can look on a little one (and it makes the point very well), but just be aware that this is a picture of a minor and it has her name and team on it.

The reason why they MUST have this rule:

i actually cant see it but CHEERZ for future reference you may want to even go as far as blurring and not linking directly from somebodys personnal facebook..
i actually cant see it but CHEERZ for future reference you may want to even go as far as blurring and not linking directly from somebodys personnal facebook..
Scroll down - name, team and comments are right under it. It's a screenshot of the entire Facebook page, not just the photo.
I've said it once and I'll say it again... It's not that I dislike crop tops or have anything against them! What I can't stand is seeing kids of all ages walking around down town Columbus, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Detroit [insert big cities here] in a crop top and booty shorts! There's a time and a place... I've NEVER seen a gymnast, diver, dancer, etc walk around without some sort of warm up after competing.
I know your intention was to show how inappropriate a uniform with a crop and an uber short skirt can look on a little one (and it makes the point very well), but just be aware that this is a picture of a minor and it has her name and team on it. If someone posted a picture of my cp without my permission on here and it had her name and team on it as well, I would be very angry and upset. If it's your own child, ignore the above post.
.....its not NOT a personal facebook page! It's a public page that anyone who likes the team can see. I think the parent should DEMAND they take that picture down, but as you can see aparently some at the gym think its fine.
i actually like this rule... tinys and minis walking around in tops that barely cover the top part of their ribs come off looking a bit like how the young girls do in "toddlers and tiaras". the outfits that those kids wear are as revealing as cheer unis half of the time, and the media just devours the parents and the outfit, regarding it as highly inappropriate, over-sexualized, and bad parenting... its not how we want to be perceived, and if we want to get any sort of recognition as a sport and not an activity of "sexual" nature, as some non-cheerleaders would describe it, then it is the right call. as much as it is fun to wear the half tops ( and don't get me wrong, i love half tops) they just can give off the wrong message to some first time cheer-competiton goers, parents, judges, or friends... which will not do our sport any justice!
Have to laugh that this thread is still rolling on as Coach Troy and I were two of the big debaters on this for a while.
With regards to policing - the USASF doesn't have to stand at the doors they can spot check. I know plenty of parents that will be mad as wet hens if their CPs team gets DQ'd because their gym decides to not follow the rules and gets busted.
The point is we as adults in a sport should be following the rules - not trying to figure out how to get around them. What does that teach children?
As I have said throughout I personally like full tops (and my children go to a gym that even Seniors wear full tops and WIN!!! - and our full tops do not ride up) but I do not mind seeing crop tops that are truly not crazy tiny. Unfortunately their has been a subset of gyms that feel the tinier and flashier the uniform the better. These gyms typically also are the ones using the music and moves that have been banned as well. As my debate with Troy showed me, people who feel that is fine do not have a definitive line that is "too small" - they are focused on their freedoms and rights and not how it effects the sport. While a parent has the right to choose what a child can wear or what gym they cheer at- as an organization and governing body of a sport USASF can make rules as to what they deem appropriate and fit for the sport. Look at gymnastics or snychro swimming - they have rules about appearance. Even many dance programs have some limits about age appropriate attire. I think they have given gyms plenty of advance warning about this and have put in changes in an order that try to minimize the extra costs to us parents.

I am glad the debat is still going and like I said as it gets closer to full implementation we will see the debate is not over.
At the end of the day my competition dollars ... Like its been said .... Carry more weight to the EP's then does some "image rule" cooked up by the usasf and if they are hell bent on dictating rather then consensus then as a gym owner I need to
re-assert my power and remind them we have gifted them their position. I hope all my fellow gym owners remember this and not just about uniforms but in all things related to our sport.
We can easily start over from scratch, or just leave....think about it what if 50% of us gathered together and formed another governing body do you think that EP's wouldn't fall over themselves to create events based on our rules??? Of course they would.
I liken it to baseball or football or basketball comisioners....they get to strut around and oversee the sport BUT the club owners can take it back at anytime if they need to since they created the product in the first place.

Ultimatly common sense will always win out in the always does, even with people like Mom2Cheergirls around.
I've said it once and I'll say it again... It's not that I dislike crop tops or have anything against them! What I can't stand is seeing kids of all ages walking around down town Columbus, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Detroit [insert big cities here] in a crop top and booty shorts! There's a time and a place... I've NEVER seen a gymnast, diver, dancer, etc walk around without some sort of warm up after competing.
I personally can't stand when the older girls get off the mat and unzip their top (full or crop) and skirt, or even worse, take their arms out of their tops entirely and walk around in their sports bras with the uniform top hanging around their neck. I fully blame the individual gyms for not laying down rules with their cheerleaders regarding appropriate competition behaviors. I'm actually happy about the covering up of the crop top when not in warmups or competing for this very reason.
I am glad the debat is still going and like I said as it gets closer to full implementation we will see the debate is not over.
At the end of the day my competition dollars ... Like its been said .... Carry more weight to the EP's then does some "image rule" cooked up by the usasf and if they are hell bent on dictating rather then consensus then as a gym owner I need to
re-assert my power and remind them we have gifted them their position. I hope all my fellow gym owners remember this and not just about uniforms but in all things related to our sport.
We can easily start over from scratch, or just leave....think about it what if 50% of us gathered together and formed another governing body do you think that EP's wouldn't fall over themselves to create events based on our rules??? Of course they would.
I liken it to baseball or football or basketball comisioners....they get to strut around and oversee the sport BUT the club owners can take it back at anytime if they need to since they created the product in the first place.

Ultimatly common sense will always win out in the always does, even with people like Mom2Cheergirls around.

Oh! Coach Troy you missed me :) Your lovely comments toward me always make me feel so warm and fuzzy .
I totally agree with you. I think commerce will rule and parents will have their kids at gyms that don't have owners who think they are the "gods of cheer" and beat their chest and say we will show the USASF how big and bad we are. You must LOVE the wearing warm up rule. I am perfectly happy if gyms who are this concerned about their right to parade little and young girls around in uber mini tops leave USASF -- will be interesting how the concept of free commerce works for them how many parents are willing to take their kids to an upstart group - sure there will be some parents that will follow, but bet there will be plenty that jump ship and go to another gym. I have to say I highly doubt it will be anywhere near 50% of the gyms leaving USASF.
Regarding common sense it seems only one of us has a clear enough amount --- as I have said throughout and will repeat I prefer to have full tops and have my child at a gym that does that and WINS. That said I have no issue with a common sense length crop top, but the reason USASF stepped in is because certain gyms have taken this to an extreme and no longer see children as children and are putting them in extremely tiny and provocative tops and bottoms, and as you have posted you don't see that this is wrong and this is why they have put the rule in the way they did - making it clear cut that junior and below may not were crop tops period no discussion no one trying to get just a little bit past the ruling. I reasonably asked you in the past if their was a limit in how short and you response was there should be no limit.
I guess my question is do you see cheerleading as a sport? Are your cheerleaders athletes ? I have looked on your web site before and it looks like you do (and from prior glances it does not look like your gym even wears these uber tiny top pieces of fabric that some gyms are trying to call tops). What do you feel the true purpose of USASF is or should be? Are you more upset with the ruling or that there was not a vote put in place? Do you feel there should be any rules regarding uniform? How does cheerleading differ from gymnastics and ice skating as a sport - I am using these as both sports have many young girls in it from the beginning and have a similar expense level from the parent perspective? Both sports have uniform rules for competition ... why should cheer not? See and I have to agree I think common sense will win out as well.. even with Coach Troy around;) -- even if we don't agree and are opposite sides of this argument I can at least appreciate your passion for the sport and view.
First they said the NACCC was an "upstart" group back in the day but we almost did great things till we sold out... And have you looked at the ASGA ??? There may be more of us then you think that are tired of being bullied.
Second if you take even a moment to look my organization always has and always will represent what is BEST for this sport both in uniform and choreography.
With that said I am against anyone that believes they are the moral "gods" of this sport. You are not right just because you use nice sounding arguments about making the sport "legitimate" because of the uniform fit!!! Swimming , gymnastics, volleyball, track and field all have revieling clothing not to specialize the athlete but because the athleticism required for the sport demands movement !! Your moral high horse is what I am fighting against.
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