CP cheers at a gym where the teams all have gem names. The two level 5 teams are diamonds (white and black). This year the gym is going to have an IOC 6 team and they were talking about names. After tossing around a few different options the owners and coaches decided on Blood Diamond for the team (they wanted to keep the diamond theme for worlds/higher level teams). I am one of the team parents and over the last week I have had a few different parents approach me and tell me that they were worried that the name could be taken as offensive.
I talked to the owners and coaches about it last night, just to bring it to their attention. I'm not sure if they will change it or not, but they did understand the concern and said they would talk about it. As one of the owners said to me, this is a customer service business and they in no way want to offend anyone.
I know you can't make everyone happy and there will always be someone who is offended by something (my high school mascot was the braves and we couldn't do the tomohawk chop because apparently that wasn't PC), but what is the general concensus about the name - offensive or not??