All-Star Opinions Needed On Team Name - Offensive???

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while i did know the meaning on my own... i will say in the roughly 18 years i have spent in elementary, high school, and college, that I never once heard the term uttered out of the mouthes of even one teacher that i encountered.

so i do not completely blame them, but i very much do think they should change the name. and i vote for canary diamond :)
I had heard the term but didn't have it explained to me until this past semester, my final semester of college.
My gym is sticking to the Diamonds theme for Worlds teams- Black (SSC5) and Pink (SSR5)
I had heard the term but didn't have it explained to me until this past semester, my final semester of college.

it really actually baffles my mind that it never once was taught to me or even mentioned by a teacher. maybe they should add a question about it on standardized tests so they actually teach it to kids :rolleyes:
it really actually baffles my mind that it never once was taught to me or even mentioned by a teacher. maybe they should add a question about it on standardized tests so they actually teach it to kids :rolleyes:

I completely agree. I remember learning a lot about it in my World Geography class in high school, but that class was not required, so probably only about 1/4 of my school (if that) got that info. It was also mentioned in a couple other classes that I had, but only very, very briefly that I would bet most of the kids don't remember it being mentioned. It's kinda crazy to think about the way school is taught these days and this isn't just about this topic. If something isn't on a standardized test, the teacher is a lot less likely to teach it.
I just graduated high school two weeks ago and had never once heard the term. So I was confused when reading the first post as to why it would be offensive. Now that I understand the meaning, I myself would never cheer there if they kept the name. Hopefully they realize their mistake and choose a new name.

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it really actually baffles my mind that it never once was taught to me or even mentioned by a teacher. maybe they should add a question about it on standardized tests so they actually teach it to kids :rolleyes:

It's something that started to come to light in the 80s and 90s, it's a relatively (in terms of history) new term. And it's really only been for the last 15 years that the industry has banded together and pledge to not buy from those countries that has a history of this.

It's probably not something you would learn about in a history class. I've found the you don't learn much about current, or even fairly recent, events in high school.
I took AP world history this past year and it wasn't mentioned once- in class or on the actual exam. But I did happen to know what a blood diamond was regardless.

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I wish world or human geography was mandatory in high schools. What I learned there (including about blood diamonds) is so much more relevant to most people's lives than what I learned in the geography class we all had to take, about winds and landforms and such IMHO.

But back to the team, I really liked the canary diamond suggestion. They could have some seriously bright practice wear! Or champagne diamonds would be fun for an open age team too!
I learned about it from extensive Law and Order marathons. Crime dramas that occasionally feature foreigners from various countries often use info many aren't aware of.

That and women's studies. You learn so much about the world in that class (at my old college).

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I learned about this in Britain when I was 13 right before I moved to the States. It's baffling to me that this isn't taught.
I learned about this in Britain when I was 13 right before I moved to the States. It's baffling to me that this isn't taught.
Its not teaching things like this that makes Kony such a shocking topic. When this has been going on for ages in those areas. I didn't know the full story on Cambodia or Serbia or that sort of thing until I did plays about it/watched an Eddie Izzard skit.

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I'm going to be a junior in high school and I learned about blood diamonds this past year in World History II, which is required by my school to graduate. My school splits world history into 2 years so this year we learned all the way up to modern times and about current conflicts going on around the world. So maybe schools are just starting to teach about these type of things?

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