All-Star Opinions Needed On Team Name - Offensive???

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Obviously the consensus is to change it so I don't think I need to state my opinion (although I will say I haven't learned about it in school and was confused till I read the thread)
I vote flawless diamonds. It's adorable! It's not a color but... it's cute and fun
@kristenthegreat - thank you bringing up DeBeers...horrific monopoly, anyone? Seriously, if y'all researched just a little bit, you, like I, would refuse to wear diamonds in any way. If you think wearing fur is bad...phew. Trust. The negative human impact of the diamond market is the nastiest business imaginable. Worse than Illinois cheer.
Thank goodness for CZs and moissanite!
Thank you all again for enlightening me on this topic, and thank you for stressing how important of an issue this is without coming down too hard. I don't post here often, but I have been on this board for a few years and I have grown to respect many of your opinions.

At this point (other than this thread) the only place this team name was mentioned was in an email that was sent out to the gym letting them know that the gym would have an IOC 6 team this year. The team evals are not even until July 13, so the team has not been formed yet. I spoke to the owner at the gym last night and he admitted that while they had heard the term, they did not fully understand the meaning behind it. He admitted that it was an uneducated decision and they would be taking the steps to correct their mistake. They will be issuing an email to the gym with an apology and they will be changing the team name.

I'll post the new name when I know it :)
Are your coaches just insensitive or plane crazy.. Do they watch TV or read the Worlds news.., Blood Diamonds.. No way!!! That's out of the question.. I can't believe it was considered.. But I have to come to the conclusion they don't know the meaning behind Blood diamonds..
Personally I think it is not offensive, unless competing in areas where blood diamonds come from. I mean there's a movie named that, & it is watched in school. I'm probably totally wrong, but maybe they were thinking of choosing a name that still has a "color" feel but different from the rest.

*or if any of the people on the team / their parents find it offensive
Personally I think it is not offensive, unless competing in areas where blood diamonds come from. I mean there's a movie named that, & it is watched in school. I'm probably totally wrong, but maybe they were thinking of choosing a name that still has a "color" feel but different from the rest.

*or if any of the people on the team / their parents find it offensive
I think you need to read the thread to see why the name is offensive. People are murdered as a direct result of these stones, if that's not offensive, I don't know what is

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Personally I think it is not offensive, unless competing in areas where blood diamonds come from. I mean there's a movie named that, & it is watched in school. I'm probably totally wrong, but maybe they were thinking of choosing a name that still has a "color" feel but different from the rest.

*or if any of the people on the team / their parents find it offensive
You are totally wrong. That phrase is so offensive and has so much meaning behind it. Like the examples used in this thread, it's equal to putting "Slave Cotton Diamonds" or "Pedophile elite"
A relative of a relative named her bouncy baby boy Vandal. I was a little surprised, so I asked my relative if she was unaware of the meaning of the word. She replied, "but it's such a pretty name!" Hahahahaha! Ignorance is a poor excuse, but it "sounding good" is even worse.

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I think you need to read the thread to see why the name is offensive. People are murdered as a direct result of these stones, if that's not offensive, I don't know what is

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I have read it. I was educated on "blood diamonds" before this thread. I would have a different opinion if the team was wearing actual blood diamonds.

Orlando allstars have a team named "Indians", that is offensive because it is a direct racial slur
In the PC world we find some things are offensive to some and other things to others. Don't get me wrong, there are just some things you don't name. However, in all of our lives we own, buy, eat or wear something that is directly made or worked on by someone that was not compensated correctly or forced labored. We all live by turning a blind eye, if we didn't we would all grow our own food, make our own clothes and we wouldn't be worrying about team names. Doesn't make it right, we just have a lot of issues.

This post is verified by Chad Mulkey!
How is Indians a racial slur? That has no negative connotation to it whatsoever. I consider a name like Red Skins kind of offensive but not Indians.
I am half Cherokee on moms side, I do not in any way feel offended. Now if someone said fat bald Indian then I would be mad for calling me out! :)

This post is verified by Chad Mulkey!

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