Thank you all again for enlightening me on this topic, and thank you for stressing how important of an issue this is without coming down too hard. I don't post here often, but I have been on this board for a few years and I have grown to respect many of your opinions.
At this point (other than this thread) the only place this team name was mentioned was in an email that was sent out to the gym letting them know that the gym would have an IOC 6 team this year. The team evals are not even until July 13, so the team has not been formed yet. I spoke to the owner at the gym last night and he admitted that while they had heard the term, they did not fully understand the meaning behind it. He admitted that it was an uneducated decision and they would be taking the steps to correct their mistake. They will be issuing an email to the gym with an apology and they will be changing the team name.
I'll post the new name when I know it :)