All-Star Panthers Not Cali?

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We did tell the athletes that there was a good chance that they would have the fewest supporters in the crowd and that they shouldn't rely on the crowd for their energy/performance. (The crowd was much louder than I expected, actually.)

We also told them that if/when they won, many would be absolutely furious about it. We told them to expect bashing on this board, facebook, and other social media. We knew that others had a more "crowd-friendly" routine and that ours was more specifically geared towards the scoresheet and the judging. We did ask the team very specifically if they would rather be the team that most fans thought should have won, or the team that actually won. They unanimously preferred to be the team that scored the highest.

I actually felt bad for the girls when I heard that you had told them that. Not that you told them, but that it was true. I will admit to being shocked that Cali was in 2nd to them on day 1, until I realized that we were on a different score sheet. Panthers used their routine and that scoresheet to their advantage. I am thrilled for those girls, especially the ones that maybe were on that large senior team that struggled at worlds the past few years. It was so nice to see a team come back from the experiences of the last couple years and have a great weekend. Regardless of whatever deductions they may have had, and who thinks differently about the results, they are the World Champions and it was fun to watch them. I guess it's a good thing that routines don't get scored on being a crowd most divisions anyway :p
Don't lock it, it's providing our athletes with massive motivation for next year. Those kids thrive on everyone counting them out and putting them down. He'll hath no fury like a BAB scorned.

Look, Cali was fantastic. We are well aware of that. We were very fortunate to outscore them both days at Worlds and at NCA. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and are free to share it here. Truth be told, we can see why many people preferred Cali's routine to CA's. (same is true for Orange.). We were just lucky that the judges preferred ours, at least on that day.

We also recognize that, like large senior, the vast majority of people posting negative/snide comments are not directly involved with any if the programs being discussed. Generally the athletes and coaches with that level of program are taught to win and/or accept defeat with dignity and class. It is the "fans" that are generally the ones stirring up trouble and more often than not, not doing "their" team any favors by doing it.

It is a free country - fire away. Our kids were warned that this very thing was about to happen, so it will be pretty tough to hurt their feelings.
lovescheer said:
its ike lately in cheerleading at each competition you basically have to CHANGE your routine from compo to compo just to win off a certain score sheet....which is bogus to me.

Lately? Try winning before usasf when comps had their own RULES too!
I think many people are confusing entertainment with technical skill/execution. Cali's routine was very energetic and fun to watch, but when you watch CA Panthers they just did more group skills and A LOT more group work. Almost their entire routine was done as a TEAM, not as small groups. Their timing and synch, not only in tumbling was spot on. I can't see why people don't get that, its almost like cheerleading 101.

Cali has the flashy uniforms, fun music, busy choreography, along with a high level of skill, but it didn't have all the group work some of the other teams have. No doubt they are a crowd favorite, and one of mine, but Panthers had the total package. Their kick doubles and overall timing just killed it for me. Amazing to watch!
We also recognize that, like large senior, the vast majority of people posting negative/snide comments are not directly involved with any if the programs being discussed. Generally the athletes and coaches with that level of program are taught to win and/or accept defeat with dignity and class. It is the "fans" that are generally the ones stirring up trouble and more often than not, not doing "their" team any favors by doing it.

I think this is so true of this board and a good comment on the programs, but that is what boards do I suppose. I think CA did something a long time ago that serves their teams so well when they realized satisfaction in sport is about winning and not in beating someone else. I believe the teams that compete year in and out are learing this lesson or have learned the lesson, but I don't think a lot of the fans have gotten the memo. A legacy of CA's long term success I suppose. Congrats to CA, Cali, SRs and all those teams. Great competition.
Congrats Panthers on the win!:) You did a great job and you can be really proud to be WorldChampion in such a talented Division!!! And don't let rude comments take the pride away from you!!

I am an obsessed Cali Fan and i love love loved their routine all year long, but although i wished they'd win i think it is really important to let the Winners (in this divisionPanthers) have their time to shine! So congrats again Ladies =)
I just want to congratulate panthers on what I thought was a well deserved win on their part! I think those girls definitely deserved to take home the gold medal! Here is my breakdown as to why! This is all from finals Day.

Panthers Cali
3 toe fulls 1 toe full/ 2 to double
6 standing fulls 3 standing fulls
8 two to fulls 4 two to fulls/5 one to fulls/1 to LAYOUT
3 three to doubles 4 three to doubles
7 two to doubles 3 one to doubles/2 two to whip doubles.

The one thing people should understand about this section is use of the team! I would like to point out that California's star tumbler does THREE standing tumbling passes. (toe full 2 to double, standing one to double, then her crazy elite standing pass) THIS GIRL SHOULD HAVE JUST COMPETED AN INDIVIDUAL!!! ALSO, the 2 two to whip doubles already did one to doubles. is this necessary too? Cali also had two cart wheel fulls but one girl proceeded to do a three to double and the other did a two to full. IMO Cali is doing WAY TOO much for no reason. Panthers triple the amount of toe fulls, double the amount of standing fulls. On cali There were 14 girls that did a standing pass to a twist, meaning 6 girls didnt standing tumble. 3 girls on cali did more than one standing tumbling pass. On panthers 18 girls did a standing pass to twist and one that didnt competed a toe full. (she couldnt do the two to double due to an injury which she competed at NCA) IMO panthers MURDERED the standing tumbling section and also IMO had Noticeably better execution! ONLY 1 girl on panthers didnt standing to twist, while on Cali 6 girls didnt standing to twist.

Panthers CALI
13 running doubles 3 running doubles
8 running fulls 7 running fulls
3 specialty to full 4 specialty to full
4 specialty to double 3 specialty to double

Panthers choreographed a very short running tumbling section right before the stunt which was VERY smart of them. These girls demonstrate right off the bat that they half HALF of the squad doing a running double WOW!!! with this section aside THEY STILL outscore Cali in running tumbling as you can see above. 2 girls dont running tumble on panthers while 3 girls dont running tumble on Cali. Panthers also have more specialty to doubles. There is No question that Panthers should have outscored Cali in running tumbling. period.

Panthers CALI
1 girl doesn't jump ( due to injury) 3 girls dont jump(those girls are getting ready to do a 2nd standing pass?)
1 girl doesn't flip.
4 well executed jumps to a back 5 IMO less executed, bouncy jumps to a back
and later transition to another jump

In this section panthers timing, and technique in Legs and ARMS i find to be better than Cali's! People may disagree with this however I find it very hard too! Panthers should have outscored Cali in jumps as well.

Panthers CALI
7 KICK KICK double baskets 2 kick kick double baskets
2 Pike arches 3 kick double baskets
1 pike star open 2 kick hitch arch
1 toe touch

IMO Panthers Out score Cali in baskets. Panthers demonstrate maximum amount of KICK KICK double (5 ELITE) baskets. In this section Cali only does 2!! (center and far right) They each do three variety basket however panthers do 2 more KICK KICK doubles in the opening during the standing fulls.

Panthers Cali
5 one and a half ups 5 one and a half ups.
5 elite tick tocks stretch to stretch 5 elite tick tocks stretch to stretch
5 switch up to stretch
4 two mans 2 group stunts

Cali definitely put up more stunts than panthers no question! Cali's to back stunts both had a minor bobble on the switch up. Also Cali had two one and a half ups go to prep level. ( the two right stunts) Panthers also had two one a half ups at prep level ( the outside stunts) I think cali executed the one and a half ups a TINY bit better than panthers. When it comes to stretch to stretch I think panthers had better execution. Yes Cali did switch up and do the leg free hold however i think this dropped their execution score. it wasnt well executed IMO. As i have mentioned Cali put up more stunts than panthers but it was unnecessary. throughout each team does 4 body positions to a double down. (stretch, overstretch, scorpion, scale,) Arabesque isnt considered a body position. To be honest I dont know who should have out scored who in this section I thought Both teams were awesome at STUNTS.

Panthers Cali
2 tick tocks to structure 2 tick tocks to structure
2 FULL twisting front flips 2 back flips 1 x back flip
1 front flip 1 front x flip 2 front flips
1 double down full around to top
2 flips to dismount 2 double downs
3 total structures 3 total structures

IMO they are almost equal when it comes to pyramid. Cali did 6 flips panthers did 5. HOWEVER in two of panthers flips there was a full twist so therefore they are equal in my eyes. The one thing cali had on panthers was the full around to the top. Each team had a double down dismount and flipping dismount. THEY BOTH hit the score sheet. When it comes to execution, you can decide which team executed the best. In this section they are Neck and Neck to me.


When it comes to dance the only fact I can give you is that panthers had A WHOLE 8 count more of dance not including the girl in the middle saying (cheer athletics) I honestly cant say which one I think should score higher.

The reason it is panthers is because PANTHERS hit the SCORESHEET!! I just proved that panthers SMASHED Cali in tumbling. (Running and Standing) When It comes to building skills I think they were pretty much neck and neck. Panthers choreographed what they had to in order to score in the highest range. Cali on the other hand did that and much more which wasn't necessary. They also Reused all of those girls for standing tumbling when it wasn't necessary.
Over all I think Panthers were cleaner and exhibited way more technique and execution. YES, cali had the crowd, YES, cali put on a show. BUT Panthers put on a show just as much. Panthers routine was choreographed to show THE TEAMS ability and skills and I can honestly say Cali's routine was not. Panthers were the better team this weekend on the scoresheet and people need to realize this. It was the saddest thing for me to see Panther girls coming off the floor asking why the arena was silent for them. I AM SO SICK OF PEOPLE NOT GIVING CREDIT TO WHERE IT IS DUE. Panthers won. AND THEY DESERVED IT 100%

Yes John!!<3
Haha, and we were crying because we gave it our ALL and people seemed to not even care!
i love you! and you tell it like it is.
btw, this is bailey payton!:)
Congratulations to Panthers! Great performance and routine. :) The small sr division is the toughest divison (in my opinion) to compete in, so many talented teams.
I think many people are confusing entertainment with technical skill/execution. Cali's routine was very energetic and fun to watch, but when you watch CA Panthers they just did more group skills and A LOT more group work. Almost their entire routine was done as a TEAM, not as small groups. Their timing and synch, not only in tumbling was spot on. I can't see why people don't get that, its almost like cheerleading 101.

Cali has the flashy uniforms, fun music, busy choreography, along with a high level of skill, but it didn't have all the group work some of the other teams have. No doubt they are a crowd favorite, and one of mine, but Panthers had the total package. Their kick doubles and overall timing just killed it for me. Amazing to watch!

Xpressjag complimenting a CA team for being clean with good technique . . . that may be the biggest honor of our weekend.
I think most people know I watched just about every team in the Milkhouse on both days.

The results for Prelims, Semi's and Finals make sense to me. (in every division I watched) But then I have read and studied the scoresheet.

I was sad for my SSX girls because they did no medal, but they took it well. I immediately found kids from both CA and Cali teams and congratulated them. Didn't run into any Orange girls before I went outside or I would have done the same.

Congrats to the World Champ Panthers on a well earned win.
ETA: I don't mean my last post to be about me, but to state that I think "it's as simple as that" and I hope CA girls don't think everyone was against them. I know a lot of people who were impressed by what they accomplished this year.

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