Congrats to Cali...they were amazing but our Panthers rocked it!! I'm so proud of them!! Scoresheet says it all :) And fyi ~ Not all our doubles are on Panthers...think you need to look at videos...the thought that CA puts ALL their talent (doubles)on ONE team is so wrong! CA is one of the few that spreads out the talent to insure that all our teams have a chance to have a successful season. 4 Worlds teams...1 GOLD, 1 SILVER, 2 BRONZE :)
As a CA parent I have to say that I was very disappointed in the lack of crowd enthusiasm for our teams...not really sure what that is all about. Cali, TG, Rays, GT have a huge fan base & I get that...much deserved.! :)But CA has been around for years & brings it & still people just sit in the stands, not clapping, not yelling....nothing! We clap, yell, stand for all of the amazing matter what! I watched that all weekend & was borderline disgusted! Even as great as Panthers were, they didnt get half the audience participation like some of others. And our Cheetahs barely got anything...and they are crazy good! The word "good sportmanship" came to mind.... Just sayin.....