From Kristen Rosario (and written to all Top Gun Parents & Athletes)
My Dearest Omar,
I woke up yesterday with anger & pain in my heart. I couldn’t seem to figure out how I was going to find the strength to explain to your fellow teammates & Top Gun family something that even I couldn’t understand. I didn’t know how I could possibly face your parents & tell them anything that would even remotely comfort them. So I set off to the hospital hoping that somehow, someway, I would be able to get through what was about to be one of the hardest days of my life.
Then, when I arrived, I spoke to your sister & she updated me on the severity of your condition. I felt like the very air had been sucked out of my lungs & that the earth stood still. I was lost. I kept asking myself how I was going to be the leader that the gym needed me to be when I couldn’t even stand up straight & pull myself together... and then, it happened…
Your mother, (what an amazingly strong woman) came to me at what must have been the worst moment of her life, and asked me if I would be gracious enough to give her your Top Gun uniform so that you could be buried in the clothing of the place that you were most happy. At that moment my words failed me, I couldn’t react, I couldn’t breathe, I could only cry. To think, that I helped start something 19 years ago that could mean so much to you and in return that meant so much to them. Then, she proceeded to tell me that she’s never seen such an amazing display of love & affection from a group of people as she did from our program in the past 2 days.
Now, as if that was not enough, your father approached me next & shared with me how you had chosen to be a donor because wanted to save as many lives as possible from your one.
It was at that moment that you gave me the strength I needed to continue pushing forward. I realized how blessed I am for doing what I do & for being able to have shared in yours & so many other lives.
Thank you for teaching your teacher!
Rest in peace my angel,
Coach K
Dear Top Gun Family,
As I am faced with what has probably been one of the most heart-wrenching weeks of my life, I am reaching out to ask anyone that has been touched by Omar & his life to please help his family at their time of need. Currently, it is going to cost an unexpected $10,000 for his services, so his family will be grateful with any help we can offer. We will be collecting all donations from today till Friday when his viewing will take place at the Funeraria Memorial, 9800 Coral Way, & then followed by his final services at 6200 SW 77th Ave. We will be sending out more information with times as soon as it is available to us.
Thank you for all your prayers as they were answered for those lives whom Omar has saved.
I am also in the process of putting a Tee on our proshop in which all proceeds will go to the families of Carlos and Omar as well.