1. Scoring, it seemed very random - if the crowd was rooting for the team then they scored higher... Large Limited placings was as if they pulled names out of a bag after T & S to decide placings. California small limited coed placing silver?? I mean really?? With 2 stunt falls a huge bobble and a tumbling fall they still managed to get on the podium?! Also I think California Sm Sr should have won hands down, I think the judges had it in their heads they were in 2nd on day 1 and that's where they stayed... F5 & WC were placed correctly but I would have had a different 3rd.
2. Bugs... enough said.
3. Crowd, It is what it is but unless they start doing something about the amount of teams in attendance then nothings going to change. I understand its a nightmare trying to plan an event like this but crowd was overwhelming. That is unless people actually send their concerns to the correct people at USASF and not just complaining about it on a forum.
4. Staff working, a lot of them seemed like they didn't know what was going on, giving out wrong reporting times, bad directions, not able to work equipment properly. I understand its cheaper to hire a bunch of college kids but at least make sure they know what they are doing.
5. Competition running ridiculously late, I just could not believe how late this competition ran in both venues. An hour at times if not more.
6. Coaches doing the exact opposite of what they clearly advised not to do in the coaches meeting, I understand you love your kids but taking a whole minute to hug your coaches, then wave to the crowd, then make "hearts" to your coaches, then chest bumping your teammates etc. it took way too long!! They (USASF in coaches meeting) clearly said that when every team does this it makes the competition run late, and NOT to do it but some programs felt they were above this rule.
7. Sound, I could not even hear some teams music because the sound was so muddy. I know a lot of programs pay a lot of money for these tracks and a decent sound system to play them on at the biggest competition of the year isn't too much to ask for.