All-Star Positives And Negatives Of 2011 Worlds (the Event, Not Teams)

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Ok I just have to share/vent...
My team and I were at the block party in line for tower of terror and we noticed that the HUGE group of girls in front of us were climbing all over everything and taking pics and just doing everything to take their attention away from the fact that the line moved about 50 feet so we decided to jump in front of them when it did. Let me just tell you, they were NOT happy when they noticed. They started yelling and literally pushed us out of the way saying "we're xy team (not gonna say which) and we're world champions. we go first." Not ok. I could tell some of the girls in the back were really uncomfortable and really upset that they did that and one girl actually apologized which was good but does not excuse their behavior. I could also tell that they had been drinking. That's another no no for me. There are families and children running around. I understand that you had a long weekend of practicing and competing but it's illegal for 90% of the people who are drinking and I really think it is rude and unprofessional (especially as a gold medalist on an EXTREMELY well known team) to do so in a family environment and I think there needs to be someone monitoring that so they don't ruin the experience for the other people.
Ok I'm done.
Add "Tweeting results next to @OMGitsMELANIE" to my list of positives.
I respectfully disagree. Think of the Olympics, but on a smaller scale. Maybe USASF should consider mixing it up and have it in a new major city every year - they can coordinate hotels, shuttles to the venue(s) from each hotel, and so forth. How many really cares about going to Disney World considering they are Seniors? I am not saying it isn't fun, but if they didn't have Disney, they would find fun in any other city. Does USASF/Varsity have a deal with Disney that keeps the Worlds there? After all, what great "secured" revenue it is for Disney to have Worlds every year, and the cheer families are forced in to it because the decision is made for that location year after year.

USASF has a contract with Disney until 2014.
People can easily get a passport if they are going overseas. Many don't have one, only because they have not had a reason to get one. It is fairly painless - takes no more than 6 weeks, on average, and for those who need it faster, they can get it in 7 days.
One problem with over seas and children!!! Kids can not travel without a bunch of legal documents giving permission to leave the foreign country. most foreign countries unless traveling with his/her parent require legal documents due to international kidnapping. Document must be signed by both parents; if child has only one parent birth certificate must be shown or legal documentation from a court must prove this ex: Ecuador if child is traveling without their parent must have a document notarized and must take it to trenton to have it apostile on it and i believe also stamped by either the american or ecuadorian consul.
socratesofcheer said:
Are you from places like Ecuador? If not, how do you know they wouldn't be as excited to compete in a convention center?
Are you from places like Ecuador? If not, how do you know they wouldn't be as excited to compete in a convention center?
actually socratesodcheer is right and my parents are from ecuador been there many times and they all would love to come to disney
I think Disney is exciting for only complaint is being afraid to go to the bathroom after hours in my seat for fear of losing it. :p
I think Disney is exciting for only complaint is being afraid to go to the bathroom after hours in my seat for fear of losing it. :p

Make friends (which is easy) with the person/people sitting around you. We all became friendly and would save each other seats for bathroom and snack breaks.

The first day I sat with my CP so we would alternate breaks. On Finals, she wanted to sit in the first row, I preferred sitting a few rows back on an aisle. So we made friends with people around us and when we had to take a break, they saved our seats. About a half hour before Large Senior All-Girl, I texted my CP in the front row and told her DO NOT, under any circumstances, get up from your seat. The place was a madhouse at the break before that division's finals started.
One problem with over seas and children!!! Kids can not travel without a bunch of legal documents giving permission to leave the foreign country. most foreign countries unless traveling with his/her parent require legal documents due to international kidnapping. Document must be signed by both parents; if child has only one parent birth certificate must be shown or legal documentation from a court must prove this ex: Ecuador if child is traveling without their parent must have a document notarized and must take it to trenton to have it apostile on it and i believe also stamped by either the american or ecuadorian consul.

It assumed through the American Passport issuance regulations and laws that the kidnapping factor has been addressed [parental kidnapping] by having the parents be present when the application is submitted. The parents must bring specific documentation proving their identity, and then both sign the passport application. Once all that has been compiled, it is up to the parents to supply their child with the rest of the documentation for safety purposes. If the child is younger than 16 years old, the airline company may have its own rules in terms of what constitutes an Unaccompanied Minor, but if traveling with a team/coach then that is not a necessary consideration as they are not traveling alone. However, for a 16 year old + the rules get a little less stringent [taken directly from the US Gov. passport site]:

  • Have a parent or guardian present photo identification if the minor does not have identification of his or her own
  • Establish parental consent (You may be requested to provide written parental consent for a child age 16 or 17 if it is not implied on the application)

    When went back to Europe in December, my daughter who is under 16 needed both of our consents/documentations, etc. However, my son had a driver's license and the agent at the post office only required his birth certificate and his driver's license. In other words, once you turn 16 in the US, you only need the assistance and/or consent of one parent.
It sounds to me that your country has more steps in place than the US for a 16 year old +?

**If I have left anything out in terms of the rules above, please chime in. I would not want to leave any important details out as it is a serious matter when children travel without their parents in general.
Oh gosh if we are ever going to move Worlds from Disney lets NOT move it to anywhere like Atl. I was there for all levels and that place scares me. I hardly felt safe even walking around with my family.

Negative: Love bugs, the floors were disgusting, people where fighting about saving seats when someone went to the bathroom, fans from a certain gym in front of me who refused to clap for any other team but their own. Also decided to talk about how badly some team did. (the poor team who dropped their whole pyramid and couldnt recover until dance, the whole audience was encouraging except the people in front of me. -__-) too many drunks at block party, too many people sitting on the stairs and standing around. I politely told a girl excuse me (so I could go to the bathroom) and she just looked up at me like I was stupid. So I stepped on her. I would be scared for my life if there had been a fire. Me and my sister had no trouble finding a seat. Its not my fault you waited til the last minute to get here to watch large senior. I sat on the end of a row for a reason, having 20+ people sitting/standing next to me was not what I had in mind.

Positive: Charlotte TEAL places top 3, F5 and WCSS getting 1st and 2nd (thank god), all the nice people from fierceboard I met.
Trading pins for sure! Cheer Extreme, Top Gun, Cali, Cali Smoed and Stingrays pins were cool. I also liked the others and got about 20 different teams. Defineately want more teams to participate next year. It was fun!
Its got nothing to do with monopolies or being fair and taking turns. It has everything to do with competition. Disney as a location competes with any other location and wins the bid hands down. we come to worlds because of the event and because of the location. you move it to Bangkok or any other location that "deserves a turn" and you lose. oh and Business wise is about the majority. You deliver your goods or services to the majority of your customer base and that way you ensure revenue. again it's got nothing to do with giving others a "turn" to make money. just curious, but are you a socialist?

Let's be logical, not emotional. When over 90% of the top athletes are from the US, it would be economically unwise to have the event outside of the US. The event would lose a great deal of money and level of skill would be far inferior. Let's face the truth... money is the motivation for putting these events on anyways. If the Worlds were held in Europe there may be more teams from Europe. However, though the quality of the best international teams are improving, its not even at a Level 4 in most cases.
I think Disney is exciting for only complaint is being afraid to go to the bathroom after hours in my seat for fear of losing it. :p

Just like Orlando All Stars voiceover said.. "err'body wanna go to disney disney, errbody wanna see mickey mickey.. err'body wanna win worlds worlds.. welcome to our house!"
Ok I just have to share/vent...
My team and I were at the block party in line for tower of terror and we noticed that the HUGE group of girls in front of us were climbing all over everything and taking pics and just doing everything to take their attention away from the fact that the line moved about 50 feet so we decided to jump in front of them when it did. Let me just tell you, they were NOT happy when they noticed. They started yelling and literally pushed us out of the way saying "we're xy team (not gonna say which) and we're world champions. we go first." Not ok. I could tell some of the girls in the back were really uncomfortable and really upset that they did that and one girl actually apologized which was good but does not excuse their behavior. I could also tell that they had been drinking. That's another no no for me. There are families and children running around. I understand that you had a long weekend of practicing and competing but it's illegal for 90% of the people who are drinking and I really think it is rude and unprofessional (especially as a gold medalist on an EXTREMELY well known team) to do so in a family environment and I think there needs to be someone monitoring that so they don't ruin the experience for the other people.
Ok I'm done.

Dear lord, please tell me this wasn't our team. PM me if so.

(One benefit if it was - some of our roster overflow problems would instantly be solved.)
positives: when the world cup coaches asked me for a picture as they finally met the "dedicated cheer mom" video from fb and youtube, the sportsmanship between f5 and world cup as well as gymtyme and thailand, maryland marlins performances and the girls crying from being so happy, and having some of the best seats in finals.. first one to enter the place and i didnt leave until the large senior division was over :)

Negatives: I have none this was my fifth year going to worlds and ill never not go thats how much i love the event.

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