What I would like to know is if the actual spreadsheet of data is going to become available for us to see? As someone else said, you cant go on how many athletes have a brace of some sort on and assume its from a twisting skill. I have to wear a brace to compete or tumble, which before I was throwing a full. I did not hurt myself doing a full. Originally I hurt myself learning a bhs. I countinued to hurt it here and there due to stupidity things outside of cheer. At this point, I have to wear the brace to tumble. I have had a few kids I coach with injuries this season. Only one that I can think of happened in the gym, and she rolled her ankle coming down from a shoulder sit. The rest were all outside of cheer.
You also must remember, quite a few of these athletes also play other sports outside of cheer. The bounding skills and standing fulls are gone, but I can garuntee come next season with these new rules, you will still see major injuries, and scary tumbling all around. They need to focus on how we can get everyone trained correctly NOW rather then these silly rules or the injury rate wont get better.
To be taken seriously at all, we need to focus on what will be a fix, not just a band-aid that has made everyone angry. We should not be taking away from the hard working, well trained athletes. I have seen so many more scary running fulls or running doubles then I have ever seen bounding skills. Instead they are focusing on uniforms, how you need to look, and how the guys present themselves. The real issues at hand need to be focused on here.
I agree saftey is a huge issue, I am all for less injuries. The steps they just took will not fix that issue. And before uniforms and things of that nature, they should be focusing on scoresheets, judging, as well as the safety and growth of our sport. We will never be taken seriously at this rate, and if this rules stick, I am worried to see what part of cheer will take a huge hit next.