All-Star Qualified Coaches - The Real Issue

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What I would like to know is if the actual spreadsheet of data is going to become available for us to see? As someone else said, you cant go on how many athletes have a brace of some sort on and assume its from a twisting skill. I have to wear a brace to compete or tumble, which before I was throwing a full. I did not hurt myself doing a full. Originally I hurt myself learning a bhs. I countinued to hurt it here and there due to stupidity things outside of cheer. At this point, I have to wear the brace to tumble. I have had a few kids I coach with injuries this season. Only one that I can think of happened in the gym, and she rolled her ankle coming down from a shoulder sit. The rest were all outside of cheer.

You also must remember, quite a few of these athletes also play other sports outside of cheer. The bounding skills and standing fulls are gone, but I can garuntee come next season with these new rules, you will still see major injuries, and scary tumbling all around. They need to focus on how we can get everyone trained correctly NOW rather then these silly rules or the injury rate wont get better.

To be taken seriously at all, we need to focus on what will be a fix, not just a band-aid that has made everyone angry. We should not be taking away from the hard working, well trained athletes. I have seen so many more scary running fulls or running doubles then I have ever seen bounding skills. Instead they are focusing on uniforms, how you need to look, and how the guys present themselves. The real issues at hand need to be focused on here.

I agree saftey is a huge issue, I am all for less injuries. The steps they just took will not fix that issue. And before uniforms and things of that nature, they should be focusing on scoresheets, judging, as well as the safety and growth of our sport. We will never be taken seriously at this rate, and if this rules stick, I am worried to see what part of cheer will take a huge hit next.

Shimmy infinity!!!

I could not agree more!!!! I believe that the severely flawed logic and manner in which these changes were initiated are hands down, THE biggest threat to the future of this sport and industry!!!

Reallycoolcheermommy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I would like to give a parent's perspective in this. When my CP started cheering at 6 years old, she started in a dance studio that decided to have a cheer team. Her coaches were high school cheerleaders from the local school. I was extremely niave and didn't even know that she wasn't in a safe environment. She learned her BHS there and I thought she was awesome. When that dance studio closed the following year, a gymnastics gym by us attempted to start a cheer team. She joined. We immediately learned that she was throwing her BHS incorrectly and the tumbling coaches fixed it. However, the cheer coaches were young girls that had just graduated from high school. She was 8 and they were trying to teach her a tuck toss because she was so litte. I had no clue how dangerous it was or that she had no business doing it. That team lasted one year. We followed by joining an established gym.

The established gym taught her a lot about dance, flying, motions, etc.. However, when it was time to learn her full, she was taking privates with a coach who had cheered there that was 20 years old. Why? Because it was recommended to me by the other coaches there. Again, I was naive and thought all was good and I am quite sure they had her best interest at heart. When we decided she needed extra help in tumbling, we took her back to the gymnastics gym near us. Low and behold, the coaches there started her from the VERY beginning, doing nothing but roundoffs!! She was furious. She almost had her full! How dare they? Well, let me tell you, that was the BEST thing that ever happened to her. It was like a light bulb went off that she had not been coached properly in TUMBLING for all of those years! I have no clue how she never got hurt.

Now she is at her 4th (and final) gym. She is there because. among other things, they have tumbling coaches who teach her in the exact method as the tumbling coaches at the gymnastics gym. She is conditioned, drilled, etc. A year ago, she thought she almost had her full. Today she has her full.

What I am trying to say is that I would bet the majority of us parents have NO CLUE that our coaches aren't trained properly or that they are not teaching our kids properly. We join a gym, like the people, our CPs have fun, we win competitions and we think all is great. It took me 9 years to figure out our mistakes and trust me, I have been very involved in the sport in these 9 years. A year ago, I would not have realized that lack of proper training in coaches is what is truly hurting our sport. I don't have the answers on how to fix it, but would be happy to help with a solution if I am needed.
And again, everyone knows this. I'm sure the USASF does too. They never ever said that the skills are the issue.

I don't agree with them not giving more background to the issues, but i'm sure there is a greater plan in the works.
I hope you are right, however there has been NOTHING released or spoken of to go that route. If there were a PLAN in place and it was produced to the masses there might be more support. I know there has been MUCH talk of this and from the ELITE coaches (including Debbie Love) but instead of producing this plan or stating "here is where we want to go" and these are the steps to get there. I'm no fool, I know it can't happen over night, but that's what they are trying to do right now, "Overnight make the sport safer" FAIL. Again I will say it this will HURT the industry and WILL NOT MAKE IT SAFER one bit! I just commented on another thread where a GYM OWNER said, I was looking to hire an elite tumbling coach but with these new rules, I'm not sure that's what's best. And I don't blame them ONE bit for that theory. However, as you stated before there are many more skills that ARE legal that still require ELITE experienced coaches to teach them. I think if this is the end result that the rules committee voted on (cough, cough) then there is a correct progression. Ex-2013 no standing dubs, no dub/dub 2014 no twisting connected to twisting, at least 3 bhs before double (standing) then in 2015 no standing to dub, no whip dubs. Your defending them by saying "they have to see it" but they aren't displaying ANYTHING that shows that they do.
I hope you are right, however there has been NOTHING released or spoken of to go that route. If there were a PLAN in place and it was produced to the masses there might be more support. I know there has been MUCH talk of this and from the ELITE coaches (including Debbie Love) but instead of producing this plan or stating "here is where we want to go" and these are the steps to get there. I'm no fool, I know it can't happen over night, but that's what they are trying to do right now, "Overnight make the sport safer" FAIL. Again I will say it this will HURT the industry and WILL NOT MAKE IT SAFER one bit! I just commented on another thread where a GYM OWNER said, I was looking to hire an elite tumbling coach but with these new rules, I'm not sure that's what's best. And I don't blame them ONE bit for that theory. However, as you stated before there are many more skills that ARE legal that still require ELITE experienced coaches to teach them. I think if this is the end result that the rules committee voted on (cough, cough) then there is a correct progression. Ex-2013 no standing dubs, no dub/dub 2014 no twisting connected to twisting, at least 3 bhs before double (standing) then in 2015 no standing to dub, no whip dubs. Your defending them by saying "they have to see it" but they aren't displaying ANYTHING that shows that they do.

Bingo! A plan that increases safety, allows time for the powers that be to get it together. My additional suggestions are:

1.) Where is the data? Show us. Is it legit data or is it select staffers at member competitions counting braces on the level 5 teams and them making an assumption why they are wearing then? Who did the study, who commissioned it, when was it done, is there conflicting evidence that could potentially support another theory, and quite frankly what is their agenda? If they can not show the data that declares this to be necessary that is the foundation for this rule immediately (because frankly you can commission a study to prove anything you want to if you got the time and money) then this should be squashed until a true evaluation is done. I am all for safety. I am against bogus reasons, $$ schemes covered up.

2.) We need a where we are and where are going conference with those that are responsible. USASF/Varsity and anyone else. It is not the job of these well respected coaches in the industry to defend your policies, it is USASF/Varsity's job to do it. No minions sent out to take the blows while they cower in their offices. No low level staffers being forced to fall on their swords for the good of the team. Tell us clearly what the plan is, where we are going and why. No transparency, no trust. Period. This should be done immediately. And since they are apparently they are so tone deaf to put out emails without the foresight of backlash it should be a public press conference with questions and answers. And Tele conference it to all. Since there won't be any pyramids, nothing should have to be cut out.:)

3.) If there is not a comprehensive plan for training, certification in place by 2013. You dont make or propose sweeping changes like this without having a plan in place. We are tired of being told to shut up and enjoy the ride and pay for the gas in the car for the trip. Every member of the USASF whether coach, athlete, or parent has a right to know. They ask for our money? We need to know.

As I said on Twitter, personally I can live with the tumbling rules. I don't like them and I really don't like the way it has been handled. It does not address the real issues we face. But it won't hurt me or my teams one bit. Because of my gymnastics background I have many more tumbling tricks in my bag which perhaps now will get more credit because of it's creativity. I do think it punishes the many good coaches we have for the few bad ones - which ironically we never identify the bad coaches we are doing all this to stop. To punish the entire industry and not even given them a voice in a democratic process, and to violate their own USASF written governance process to make this happen. Not good.
Bingo! A plan that increases safety, allows time for the powers that be to get it together. My additional suggestions are:

1.) Where is the data? Show us. Is it legit data or is it select staffers at member competitions counting braces on the level 5 teams and them making an assumption why they are wearing then? Who did the study, who commissioned it, when was it done, is there conflicting evidence that could potentially support another theory, and quite frankly what is their agenda? If they can not show the data that declares this to be necessary that is the foundation for this rule immediately (because frankly you can commission a study to prove anything you want to if you got the time and money) then this should be squashed until a true evaluation is done. I am all for safety. I am against bogus reasons, $$ schemes covered up.

2.) We need a where we are and where are going conference with those that are responsible. USASF/Varsity and anyone else. It is not the job of these well respected coaches in the industry to defend your policies, it is USASF/Varsity's job to do it. No minions sent out to take the blows while they cower in their offices. No low level staffers being forced to fall on their swords for the good of the team. Tell us clearly what the plan is, where we are going and why. No transparency, no trust. Period. This should be done immediately. And since they are apparently they are so tone deaf to put out emails without the foresight of backlash it should be a public press conference with questions and answers. And Tele conference it to all. Since there won't be any pyramids, nothing should have to be cut out.:)

3.) If there is not a comprehensive plan for training, certification in place by 2013. You dont make or propose sweeping changes like this without having a plan in place. We are tired of being told to shut up and enjoy the ride and pay for the gas in the car for the trip. Every member of the USASF whether coach, athlete, or parent has a right to know. They ask for our money? We need to know.

As I said on Twitter, personally I can live with the tumbling rules. I don't like them and I really don't like the way it has been handled. It does not address the real issues we face. But it won't hurt me or my teams one bit. Because of my gymnastics background I have many more tumbling tricks in my bag which perhaps now will get more credit because of it's creativity. I do think it punishes the many good coaches we have for the few bad ones - which ironically we never identify the bad coaches we are doing all this to stop. To punish the entire industry and not even given them a voice in a democratic process, and to violate their own USASF written governance process to make this happen. Not good.

So funny how people are so quick to point out a "cheerlebrities" talents and even more point out their flaws (remember these are MINORS) but no one will call out coaches that ENDANGER MINORS. We all see it, it happens all the time, but there is NOTHING we can do about it.
Yes, show me the data. I want access to the research studies conducted please. Statistics can be made to show whatever you want them to show. I'd like to analyze the data to see how it was done. I am particularly interested in sample size and control group. I would assume it is published data? I can't imagine the USASF would create rules this drastic without a concrete, scientific, unbiased study......where is it? Can someone please provide me with the name of the study at least so that I can look up where it was published, or at least tell me which journal it was published in so I can do a search?????