All-Star Really......

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Dec 14, 2010
I have just come from practice with my niece and I am soooo upset. The little girls on my nieces team are just the most disrespectful children I have ever met. They treat their parents horribly by screaming at them and calling all sorts of names, one girl and I quote said "Next time drive faster b*****" and the parent laughed off this behavior and said ok!!!!! And the way they treat each other is just horrible but when the coach steps in to take action the parents want to get upset about how hes screaming at their child and all I could say is Really........
That coach is going to have a very long season. Like I have said before, if the kids do not respect their parents, how in the world does the coach think they are going to repect her.
I worked with children for a while, you wouldn't believe how disrespectful some kids are.
If I said something like that to either of my parents oh my god I'd be in so much trouble. The coach is going to have a long season ahead of them!
thats so unexceptable...... i don't understand why the parents would let this happen
I feel so blessed that my CP is on a team that stresses not only good behavior from cheer parents but also from the team themselves. Our coaches make it clear on day 1 that they don't care what our rules/tolerances are at home but in this gym, all children are respectful of all adults and all adults behave respectfully toward each other. Period.
We have a one warning policy. Second offense (maybe 3 if it's not clear cut) and it's thanks and goodbye. We may lose great athletes because they have disrespectful parents or vice versa. However, in the end we are a stronger team who learn to respect one another and behave respectfully.
Well children learn from their parents, so that's probably why they seem like they don't care, and just shrug it off like it was nothing. And they are kids, so it must be kind of hard for them to fully separate actions at home and actions at cheer (some kids..not all). It really isn't the kids' fault, it is the parents, for allowing it to happen over and over. I feel really bad :( that is not good!
I am always amazed at how some parents let their children act. It is our job as parents to raise our children to be respectful and hard working adults so that they are successful members of society. Do parents not realize that if they dont nip it now they are going to regret it later? Neither of my children would ever speak to me that way because they know the severity of the consequesnces. I think my Cp listens better at cheer than at home so hopefully that is the case with this team or that coach is in for a very very long season. Our coaches have it under control in our program. Very rarely are there any behavior problems. There is the occasional attitude but believe me that is the first and last time that child will have an attitude with any coach. I do not mind at all if my Cp's coach has to get on her, if she is acting up, not listening etc she needs to get it together and if it takes her coach getting on her then so be it. She is a child and I do my best to teach her the correct way to act but sometimes they slip up and someone needs to remind her to stay on track and during cheer since I am not there (I enjoy the free time so I dont stay) her coach has my blessing to let her know she is not acting right.
This is def one of my biggest pet peeves and unfortunately, I see it all the time at competitions throughout the season. Not to discriminate, but it's always the girls I see, never the guys. Girls will roll thier eyes at their parents, shout and yell at them. Tell them they're stupid. I'm surprised they don't drop dead in front of me because of the dumbfounded look on my face. I've never seen a parent correct or discipline their child for their actions. Not even a "Who do you think you're talking to". I definitely think that the problems at home, should be dealt with by the family, but when that same disrespects spills over onto the practice mat, something needs to be done! I will NOT tolerate any athlete disrespecting me. It's just something I will never put up with. Everyone has their bad day and I can deal with a mini attitude for a day but a regular behavior, attitude issue is unacceptable. I feel bad for the parents that feel so helpless that they don't even correct the behavior. My kids are young, so I don't have to deal with this problem just yet, but I pray I never have to.
wow! i can't believe the parents didn't do anything! my daughter got mouthy with me at her softball game this week so i made her sit out, when it was her turn to bat she was still running her mouth so i pulled her out of the game and took her to the car. i told her that if she didn't get her attitude in check i would go get our stuff and we would leave, that i didn't want to do that because her team mates are counting on her and it isn't fair to them but if i heard anything else from her we were out of there! i will not stand for my daughter disrespecting me, her team mates or her coaches in ANY sport or ANY activity!
I feel so blessed that my CP is on a team that stresses not only good behavior from cheer parents but also from the team themselves. Our coaches make it clear on day 1 that they don't care what our rules/tolerances are at home but in this gym, all children are respectful of all adults and all adults behave respectfully toward each other. Period.
We have a one warning policy. Second offense (maybe 3 if it's not clear cut) and it's thanks and goodbye. We may lose great athletes because they have disrespectful parents or vice versa. However, in the end we are a stronger team who learn to respect one another and behave respectfully.

In my opinion, a team that respects eachother, will go so much further then a team with alot of talent who has an attitude. If you don't trust eachother, you wont learn and if you dislike eachother you don't work as hard. I know i wouldn't bust my booty for someone who is mean to me.

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