Deleted member 15
Well, that is a great question. On the USASF website you and Les Stella are listed as the Rules, Safety and Judging Cheer staff. Contact information for Cheer Rules is cheer@usasfrules.net, but no name is listed. Regional Directors are listed as staff (I have sent emails in the past to the Director in the region I reside and never once received a response). There are several members of the Cheer Rules Committee so I would say they would be the ultimate ptb and they are listed here:
I am not sure of your point however. Are you saying I should blame Jody, or Justin, or Victor, or you, or any of the other members? Honestly not trying to be sarcastic or difficult - it is a legitimate question.
In order to make a change happen you need to influence the people that can actually make it happen. Are any of those people following this conversation? Has anyone reached out to them directly? Does anyone know who they are by personal or committee name? Having a conversation here or any other social place is great for working through ideas but in most cases the ideas aren't taken to the people that can do anything with them.