All-Star Religion In The Gym

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unrelated to cheer world: but i find it funny when the kids at my school think its crazy that im not christian and that im Buddhist/Agnostic and yet they act worse then i do!!!

carry on.
You my say that group prayer and individual prayer is different but no matter how you pray you are still praying to the same person. When my family has prayer at the dinner table it is a moment of silence for everyone to say their own prayer and to them it is just the same as being in church and reciting the same prayer outloud. A church is a completely different place then a cheerleading gym, unless you run it like T&S where church is a part of their gym.
I ask this question, if you were at a practice and a muslim athlete decided to pray inside of that gym how many of those other athletes are going to question what that athlete is doing? How many parents in the viewing area are going to wonder why this athlete is doing this? You don't need exact numbers and I know in some cases nothing will be thought of it, but I have learned that many people will question it. Now that athlete has the right to their own faith and to pray when they want, so do you tell those parents and athletes that are uncomfortable with it to suck it up or do you tell the athlete to please not do that in the gym or to wait until after practice is over? If the christian kids are allowed to hold prayer inside the gym then are the kids of other faiths going to be allowed to hold their prayers as well? It is sad to think about but we live in a society here in the US were MANY people look down on the muslim faith and believe it is a bunch of garbage and link it to nothing but bad things so a situation in a gym where parents and athletes get upset over a muslim athlete praying in that gym is a very realistic thing and I am interested to hear how people would handle it.
You my say that group prayer and individual prayer is different but no matter how you pray you are still praying to the same person. When my family has prayer at the dinner table it is a moment of silence for everyone to say their own prayer and to them it is just the same as being in church and reciting the same prayer outloud. A church is a completely different place then a cheerleading gym, unless you run it like T&S where church is a part of their gym.
I ask this question, if you were at a practice and a muslim athlete decided to pray inside of that gym how many of those other athletes are going to question what that athlete is doing? How many parents in the viewing area are going to wonder why this athlete is doing this? You don't need exact numbers and I know in some cases nothing will be thought of it, but I have learned that many people will question it. Now that athlete has the right to their own faith and to pray when they want, so do you tell those parents and athletes that are uncomfortable with it to suck it up or do you tell the athlete to please not do that in the gym or to wait until after practice is over? If the christian kids are allowed to hold prayer inside the gym then are the kids of other faiths going to be allowed to hold their prayers as well? It is sad to think about but we live in a society here in the US were MANY people look down on the muslim faith and believe it is a bunch of garbage and link it to nothing but bad things so a situation in a gym where parents and athletes get upset over a muslim athlete praying in that gym is a very realistic thing and I am interested to hear how people would handle it.
i asked the same scenario with a child of Islamic faith and no answer. I have a couple of friends of Muslim faith and i have been inside there Church and i enjoyed it very much, i wont convert but i liked the service pretty interesting.
Especially when I moved to the South and prayer is a way of life and expectation to proceed just about everything. But, here's the thing, I eventually just bowed my head, cleared my head.

Yes. Moved to the south and you pray before everything! Worst part for me- I can't help it- I am a habitual praying peeker. I don't know why but when we bow our heads I just *have* to look around and see who is not being compliant and peeking. It's not a disrespect thing, I just feel compelled. I guess I am nosey. And 99% of the time I am the only one :p I guess it is just because I want to know what the pastor, elders, and staff are doing when we all have our eyes closed. Are they praying too? Are they peeking? Are they making motions at eachother? AHHH! It drives me insane because I know the clergy/staff see me doing it. UGH... nevermind... rant over....
Youd be surprised on how many teens use religion to keep their parents happy and keep them thinking theyre angels. Its a shame.
oh yeah i know, i have had so many friends that do that. it is a shame just a big SMDH
^^^^^^^they can only see you peeking if they're peeking too. ;)

I KNOW! And you know what happens then?? Stifled giggles because I know someone busted me :cool: I just have a hard time being reverant when I need to be I guess...
Yes. Moved to the south and you pray before everything! Worst part for me- I can't help it- I am a habitual praying peeker. I don't know why but when we bow our heads I just *have* to look around and see who is not being compliant and peeking. It's not a disrespect thing, I just feel compelled. I guess I am nosey. And 99% of the time I am the only one :p I guess it is just because I want to know what the pastor, elders, and staff are doing when we all have our eyes closed. Are they praying too? Are they peeking? Are they making motions at eachother? AHHH! It drives me insane because I know the clergy/staff see me doing it. UGH... nevermind... rant over....
hahahahahahah this made me laugh so hard! at my private school i stayed doing this. i saw the pastor on his iphone. i wish i could hack his phone, put my number in and the name as "God" so when he did it, i could tell him to bow his head!

oh the south what will we do with it.
oh yeah i know, i have had so many friends that do that. it is a shame just a big SMDH

You should try reading "Ex-fillintheblankreligion" message boards. Quite a few posts along the lines of "I'm a teen and my parents will kill me if they find out I don't believe" "My parents said as long as I am in their house..." "help" etc.
You should try reading "Ex-fillintheblankreligion" message boards. Quite a few posts along the lines of "I'm a teen and my parents will kill me if they find out I don't believe" "My parents said as long as I am in their house..." "help" etc.
oh God, no pun intended. but i bet thats funny but i feel bad for the kids that have it forced on them
Youd be surprised on how many teens use religion to keep their parents happy and keep them thinking theyre angels. Its a shame.

I'm actually not (although I'm certain quite a many would be) bc unfortunately I've seen it. I've watched teenagers and young adults manipulate their parents by pretending to conform and when they do something "stupid" (for lack of a better word at the moment), all the do is blame it on the devil and say that they know it's bc they need God in their life more, ask for forgiveness, yada yada... and the parents eat it up like cake. Yet the kids who are actually honest and don't use "God" or any religion to excuse their behavior and/or actions and are simply themselves, aren't perceived the same and/or treated the same way. It's really quite sad. Kind of goes to back to a point I made regarding how many "closet" atheists and/or agnostics there really are bc they fear the outcome and/or reaction if they were honest.
This talk may sort of be over but I am still looking for the answer to a question that relates to the original topic. Why is it that the prayer at practice can't be said silently by each indiviual NOT in a circle? Will it not do the same thing? If this was done then both sides could walk away happy and get what they want prayer or no prayer

because that would just be too easy! :rolleyes:
You my say that group prayer and individual prayer is different but no matter how you pray you are still praying to the same person. When my family has prayer at the dinner table it is a moment of silence for everyone to say their own prayer and to them it is just the same as being in church and reciting the same prayer outloud. A church is a completely different place then a cheerleading gym, unless you run it like T&S where church is a part of their gym.
I ask this question, if you were at a practice and a muslim athlete decided to pray inside of that gym how many of those other athletes are going to question what that athlete is doing? How many parents in the viewing area are going to wonder why this athlete is doing this? You don't need exact numbers and I know in some cases nothing will be thought of it, but I have learned that many people will question it. Now that athlete has the right to their own faith and to pray when they want, so do you tell those parents and athletes that are uncomfortable with it to suck it up or do you tell the athlete to please not do that in the gym or to wait until after practice is over? If the christian kids are allowed to hold prayer inside the gym then are the kids of other faiths going to be allowed to hold their prayers as well? It is sad to think about but we live in a society here in the US were MANY people look down on the muslim faith and believe it is a bunch of garbage and link it to nothing but bad things so a situation in a gym where parents and athletes get upset over a muslim athlete praying in that gym is a very realistic thing and I am interested to hear how people would handle it.

You also took the words right out of my mouth...I've mentioned that specific topic in this thread twice I believe and only one person had the guts to answer (Kristenthegreat). I contend that if even just ONE Wiccan decided to do a blessing and/or ritual before or after cheerleading practice, parents would literally flip out!! I bet not even so much the kids, but let me tell you the parents would be freaking...and not only that, but the sad thing is that they probably wouldn't want their child hanging out w/that person after that. :(

That's why so many people, myself included, in this thread have mentioned respecting other faiths/religions and should we (or do we) want to allow cheerleading practice a place to introduce your child to the Wiccan, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, etc. religions? I'm sure most people would say they are fairly comfortable with other members being Jewish or Muslim, but I promise you some of the other ones would not receive such a warm welcome, regardless of how "tolerant" they claim to be. That's what makes me sad...

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