Ok, this is NOT a policy at my gym but I do understand why a gym owner would say this. From reading the "e-mail" it doesn't seem to indicate that this is based on a single drop by incident. It looks as if maybe a child in their program has been injured or possibly taught incorrect technique at another gym. In that case, I would support this 100%. There are gyms in my area that I know kids of mine go to, I specifically say "don't listen to him/her, they don't know what they are talking about, but enjoy the trampolines" etc. etc. If a parent does not agree with that policy they are free to leave (unless they are on a Worlds team, bahahaha) Many gyms have policy's that I don't understand, but many are put in place for a reason. I will tell you what I DID like about the e-mail sent out by this gym, and that is they said the reason is bc they want to ENSURE that the correct progression is taught, and they are correct, you can't control what is taught OUTSIDE your gym. I actually think this is a smart policy. Don't like it, GO TO ANOTHER GYM!