In the words of Maryland Twister Weathergirls, I say this to you..
"Step to Me, Don't think so Girl...."
I will break down your reply with my own replies underneath.
"Don't Quite get it? Listen Up, I'll Explain It...."
Posting other gym's emails on a public forum is so wrong on so many levels and,
this isn't the FIRST time you so kindly posted emails.
As I have previously stated, on this forum (I realize you're new judging by your very few posts) we use examples to discuss virtually every facet of our industry, divisions, scoring, competitions, rankings, uniforms, hairbows, and music.
This topic is no different, this was/is a viable topic, and judging by the replies that were posted here and # of views that it recieved, that supports the fact that it is and continues to be a hot topic in our industy. (As a Cheer Mom based off of your user name, I understand if you don't know anything more about the sport other then how much it costs and what your current tumbling/team level is. No fault there, just an observation.)
Who do you think you are anyway???
I know who I am, I do not hide behind the thought of being with an annoynomous login such as yours :)
Here's what I find amusing about all of your numerous posts about a particular are obsessed with this gym.
Interesting you say obsessed, (but that is your perogative to evoke any sense of the the word that you choose.. as long as it makes sense in your head. There is no obsession, I feel that you might have it a little twisted... I stand up for and behind what I say. By posting this email and any other messages that I have posted on here, it is contributing to the conversation on viable topics. (See Reply #1 for a further explanation as I do not need to reiterate).
You put so much energy into talking about this gym.
For anyone that knows me, they know how hectic my schedule isand the many different directions and contributions and organizations I work with on a daily basis. Please do not flatter yourself, and suggest that I put much energy into talking about this gym. This gym lent itself nicely utilizing policies that they have in-effect for their members, however, they also lend nicely to conversation on The That is what this place is for to garner conversation and input and networking for gyms across the country. (Again, I understand you're new here. You'll see that this website is a vast source of resources and connections that can give you the answer to virtually any.. well almost any problem or question you may have.)
Meanwhile, I've never heard this gym talking about you or any other gyms, coaches or athletes.
I find this hard to believe, you are controdicting yourself here. If you are just a "Cheermama" as your login suggests, then how would you know who I am, unless the above is being violated. I won't elaborate on this issue because I believe it to be a false statement on your behalf.
They don't carry around Barbie dolls like a child to make fun of another owner or coach like YOU do! I would be mortified if a coach from my kid's gym acted that way.
Barbie and Ken? Again, please do not flatter yourself. Unless there is some sort of self-complex or lifelong goal that I am unaware of. Again, I feel that your previous statement about "gym tlking about ou or any other gyms, coaches or athletes" to be false especially if you're making such accusing statements. I think you need to re-evaluate everything that you posted here and eliminate the controdicting statements. Thank-you.
My kids and their friends don't act that way and you, who are suppose to be a coach and mentor do.
I am neither your child, nor your friend. Additionally, if you have never heard anything about me as you suggest in your statement 2 issues above, then how would you know who I am or what I do? But, I will touch on the latter part of your again false statement. I seem to be doing something right, most of my athletes attain new skills at a steady pace. Additionally, I work with a vast amount of athletes from organizations such as Maryland Twisters, University of Delaware, University of Southern Alabama, Morgan State University, and even some from the gym we've been discussing. So please do not judge me, particuarly if you've never heard anything about me (as you suggested was the case above, even though I find that to again.. false.)
Shame on you!
Thank you "Mom".
This is all I am going to say on the issue, as you have not supported your issues strong enough, I don't think that any more correspondence or enlightening will do either of us any benefit.
Goodluck with the Mattel reproduction of Pinnocchio.