All-Star Restricting Tumbling To Your All Star Gym Only??

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@meanj : Hahaha...touché...although at least mine is a commonly recognized slang term. Haha....
@Just-a-Mom I'm not saying that they didn't put it out there. I don't think it was smart on their part. But could the same point have been made by posting, "What do you think about this policy?" Same results, same discussions would have been had, just without the intentional bashing, with an obvious agenda. Let me add, this isn't an issue in my area, neither with my gym or competitors in our area. Nor do I have a personal involvement with gyms in the area this thread is about.
@Just-a-Mom I'm not saying that they didn't put it out there. I don't think it was smart on their part. But could the same point have been made by posting, "What do you think about this policy?" Same results, same discussions would have been had, just without the intentional bashing, with an obvious agenda. Let me add, this isn't an issue in my area, neither with my gym or competitors in our area. Nor do I have a personal involvement with gyms in the area this thread is about.

This is exactly the point. Let's turn the tables. If a gym owner cut and pasted an email from a cheerleader or their parents about a policy or requesting special permission for something at the gym, what would we all be saying? We'd all be bashing that gym owner for posting that "private" email (remember, nothing you email is private and can, legally, be shared with anyone and everyone-however, it's professional courtesy that you consult someone before forwarding/posting their email).
@Just-a-Mom I'm not saying that they didn't put it out there. I don't think it was smart on their part. But could the same point have been made by posting, "What do you think about this policy?" Same results, same discussions would have been had, just without the intentional bashing, with an obvious agenda. Let me add, this isn't an issue in my area, neither with my gym or competitors in our area. Nor do I have a personal involvement with gyms in the area this thread is about.
While I think you make a valid point that the topic could easily have been discussed without posting the email. I think @Just-a-Mom hit the nail on the head with her reply. As a parent/customer the tone of the email probably bothers me more then the policy itself (even though I am not a fan of that either). And while I agree that those that have an issue with it are free to go elsewhere, it's never really that easy (knowing that our children have strong relationships with coaches and teammates). I have enjoyed watching this team compete over the years and wish them luck in the upcoming year :)
.My question is what about if they cheer for school and there school tumbled else where?

This scenario has happened often at our gym. We have girls who cheer for school teams and there school requires them to tumble at our rival all-star gym...Our owners and coaches are aware and our girls are not treated any different because of it.
@Just-a-Mom I'm not saying that they didn't put it out there. I don't think it was smart on their part. But could the same point have been made by posting, "What do you think about this policy?" Same results, same discussions would have been had, just without the intentional bashing, with an obvious agenda. Let me add, this isn't an issue in my area, neither with my gym or competitors in our area. Nor do I have a personal involvement with gyms in the area this thread is about.

Could the same point have been made? Sure. But first off, I don't think there was any "intentional bashing" - I think it was more "Look, here's an example of what I'm talking about." Again, don't put it out there if you don't want it out there. Sorry, but I'm glad it was posted. If I received an email like that from ANY business I patronized I'd blast it all over the internet.

This is exactly the point. Let's turn the tables. If a gym owner cut and pasted an email from a cheerleader or their parents about a policy or requesting special permission for something at the gym, what would we all be saying? We'd all be bashing that gym owner for posting that "private" email (remember, nothing you email is private and can, legally, be shared with anyone and everyone-however, it's professional courtesy that you consult someone before forwarding/posting their email).

But this email wasn't about a specific person. In your example it's a specific child who would, presumably, be named in the email. This one was just a policy from a business. If this was an email from the business to ONE parent, about that parent's child and the child was named, then I'd say "Nope. Off limits." But from a business about their business? Nope - fair game. It was rude and unprofessional, and I think it's ALWAYS ok to call people out on unprofessionalism. I only hope the parents there are half as offended as I am and handle it accordingly.
This scenario has happened often at our gym. We have girls who cheer for school teams and there school requires them to tumble at our rival all-star gym...Our owners and coaches are aware and our girls are not treated any different because of it.
But does your gym have the policy that you can't tumble some where else, I ask because this happens at my gym but we don't have the policy and just wondering what happens when that policy is involved? Thanks :)
But does your gym have the policy that you can't tumble some where else, I ask because this happens at my gym but we don't have the policy and just wondering what happens when that policy is involved? Thanks :)

No there is no written or verbal policy that says you cant tumble at another gym.
I don't think the "thread" is inappropriate, I think the manor in which it was posted was.

I went back to read how this thread was posted. I see that a simple questions was asked about how common a practice was and what people thought of it.

My question.. is this a common practice amongst gyms? How do you handle this situation, if your athletes live far away & tumble elsewhere during the week? Your thoughts? GO!

Was it wrong of the original poster to put a gym's email in the post????? Should the poster have paraphrased the policy instead of including the email? If so why? I don't see that anyone is slamming the gym or the email, I just see that people are discussing the policy. And obviously the gym wants it well known that this is their policy.

So ... could the problem be that the email was not particularly customer friendly? Maybe it could be embarrassing to air a "family argument" between a gym owner and their customers?

I understand that many families are not going to listen unless the someone YELLS AT THEM in writing to get their attention. But what about the majority of the families who work hard to be a part of their team and the gym as a whole. They get YELLED AT TOO!
What if they are seeking out training because, while the ECN feel they are providing top notch services, their customers don't agree? Who regulates what track and at what rate of progression is acceptable?

Some gyms are like karate where the progression of belts is slow - to recieve maximum profit? Parents aren't as dumb and uniformed as before.....

If they feel that way why are they supporting this gym. There must be something they like and agree with it. Other wise they should leave.

You ask who regulates the rate of progression? I would think it would be the coaching staff of the gym you are a part of. Progression my be slow perhaps for a reason.
If they feel that way why are they supporting this gym. There must be something they like and agree with it. Other wise they should leave.

You ask who regulates the rate of progression? I would think it would be the coaching staff of the gym you are a part of. Progression my be slow perhaps for a reason.

Yes, there must be something they like. But it's obviously NOT the tumbling instruction they are getting. This is cheerleading, not tumbling. Maybe they like their team, maybe they like the CHEER instruction they receive, maybe they like the coaches, maybe they just like the UNIFORM! But they obviously are receiving better tumbling instruction somewhere else.
We loved our first gym. We stayed for more than one season because we loved it. We loved the coaches, the owner, everything. But the tumbling my girls were getting there was subpar to say the least. So we went somewhere else for tumbling.
I'm not sure why someone should QUIT their CHEERLEADING gym because they want to take tumbling from someone else. Just like everything else in life, people learn different ways. If they feel more comfortable learning somewhere else, why does it matter? Money. Like we've been saying...the safety excuse was bologna. Period.
Does this policy extend to everything? Can they take dance classes somewhere else? Can they cheer at school? If they cheer at school, and their school practices at another gym, can they go? <--Not rhetorical questions...
I could understand that they want to keep business, make sure kids are safe, and want their athletes to all have proper training. But as a gym owner would you rather have someone who lives 2 hours away only get to tumble twice a week but only at your gym, or go somewhere closer to home to improve their skills? Sure it's turning away business, but an athlete getting new skills and improving will ultimately help the program.
i really have no opinion in this. but i would like to know if ECN allow athletes from other gyms to tumble at their facilities? or is that prohibited as well? i think the same safety logic would apply to tumbling classes and privates at ECN for non-nitros.

i'm just curious about the consistency.
@fabulosity , that , and other similar questions have been asked on this thread, but no answer yet. Which is really unfortunate. I think it helps businesses (gyms) when they explain their position and allow a bit of transparency. Just look at all 8,463 pages of the CA, Rays and CEA threads...