All-Star Restricting Tumbling To Your All Star Gym Only??

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@fabulosity , that , and other similar questions have been asked on this thread, but no answer yet. Which is really unfortunate. I think it helps businesses (gyms) when they explain their position and allow a bit of transparency. Just look at all 8,463 pages of the CA, Rays and CEA threads...

Maybe someone should invite Nitros to come comment on the thread that has been opened on their behalf? I am of the @cheerinfo mindset, but different strokes for different folks! I do read everything when I join a gym with the anticipation that I have to be able to abide by their rules. Ahem, I have grown since our wild and wooly mini days when I would do things like :eek:walk out onto the gym floor and make :oops: suggestions to the coaches as if they should care.:rolleyes:
I have an opinion from the other side of the fence. My daughter LOVES her tumbling coach! However, he and several other coaches left the gym they were originally at to open a new program/gym this season. She never actually cheer'd for him or any program he represents, but his new gym has this policy where they do not allow athletes that belong to any other allstar program to take privates, classes, clinics, etc. at their gym. (They allow school team athletes)

She would LOVE to still work with this AMAZING tumbling coach, but that's the new policy, and we have to live with it.

It really sucks, and i wish they would reconsider, but i know that there were many athletes from several different programs in the area that tumbled with him.
It's hard for an athlete to build the type of trust in a tumbling coach that it takes to get elite skills perfected,... but again,.. it sucks, and we have to deal with it.
Could someone at least delete the gym's name out of the original post? I have zero affiliation with them but it seems like this entire thread is made just to call them out and look bad :/
@kingston ?
1) This was addressed at our gyms parent meeting. We have many athletes that travel distances to cheer so its understandable for them to not extra tumble in house. There are also athletes who tumble in other gyms in high school. All that is asked is that the athletes represent themselves as well as the gym positively and with class.

2) As long as I am the paying customer my cp will go and do what I feel will be most beneficial to both her and my family. If that means tumbling 5 min down the street then that will be and no one really needs to know. You would think being upfront rather then being sneaky would be perfered to a organization.

3) when we are threatening children/parents or any consumer in general we must really not remember who helps pay the overhead especially if your not the only name around. I for one would be spending elsewhere and telling everyone who would listen. In this economy any buisness should be trying to keep clientele even if it means changing policies....some dollars are better then no dollars!
I think this merely an example, like we use many times over. Many Moderators have also commented on this thread. So it must be okay.
My problem is not just the policy but how unprofessional the e-mail itself was. If you are running a gym, which is your job and company to run, shouldn't things be handled as professionally as possible? I think so. If this had been their policy from day 1 is there a reason it had to be e-mailed out? Should it not have been in the packet given to parents at tryouts? Or how about being talked about in the meeting parents normally have before/after tryouts? I mean if this is so important maybe e-mail isn't the best way to notify your paying customers of this.

As for the policy itself, I personally would never send me child to a gym that tried to tell them what they could do when they were in my hands. When they are in that gym and at practice, sure you are in charge, but when they clock out and are on Mommy time I will send them to do whatever I please. If I want to go down the road and work with someone you better believe it will happen because they are MY child. My child may cheer for a gym (if I had a child) but that doesn't make the gym owner the boss, that would be me unless they are going to give birth for me and pay all other bills to help take care of said child. There are many many other things to regulate in a gym, this is one of the last things I would imagine being a problem.
I wonder much like it was asked before does ECN or other gyms (already got one answer) with a policy like this allow outsiders to take privates? I think that if they don't want their athletes elsewhere they probably shouldn't take on other people's athletes either.
what if one gym has different equipment than another. the athlete is working on a new skill and one gym might have a twisting belt, etc and the other one does not?

also. what if you sign up but the gym screws up and you never receive the handbook? perhaps the warning should be nicer.
I am opposed to someone bullying anyone.... especially a gym owner bullying thier parents and cheerleaders. It seems to me that maybe this ECN is afraid some other tumbling instructors might have skills they dont possess. Bullying usually has more to do with a hidden fear of the unknown....... Let's all think about that! I believe the email was important to post..... it truly shows who these gym owners are.... no more hiding behind the barbie smiles.
They do. I know some athletes that go there. Particularly high-school teams athletes
I am opposed to someone bullying anyone.... especially a gym owner bullying thier parents and cheerleaders. It seems to me that maybe this ECN is afraid some other tumbling instructors might have skills they dont possess. Bullying usually has more to do with a hidden fear of the unknown....... Let's all think about that! I believe the email was important to post..... it truly shows who these gym owners are.... no more hiding behind the barbie smiles.

you're gonna have to pay me, you just violated my trademark name. Ahaha
i am also wondering what happens in this situation. at our old gym, we had tumbling instructors that we LOVED at the gym, but they were always booked up. what do you do if tumbling instructors schedule prohibits scheduling? the policy is too absolute. it should be "prohibited unless permission is granted".
i am also wondering what happens in this situation. at our old gym, we had tumbling instructors that we LOVED at the gym, but they were always booked up. what do you do if tumbling instructors schedule prohibits scheduling? the policy is too absolute. it should be "prohibited unless permission is granted".

my schedule gets crazy