Cheer Parent
- Jun 6, 2012
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Again, I do not know the rules of Varsity, but when I worked for May Corp, I was an executive and I was not allowed to approach a person that was banned, for legal reasons. We were allowed to call law enforcement, because they ARE committing a crime. They're trespassing if they're banned.USA Cheer/USASF does not even bother to enforce the restriction. There was an individual on the banned list that competed at NCA College Nationals last year. It was ignored by both the college and Varsity when first reported, and it finally took enough people to say something. To the best of my knowledge the only action taken was to remove that college's name off the results list, delete the videos from Varsitytv, and not allow the individual to enter the partner stunt competition. @catlady to respond to some of your comments about why law enforcement wasn't called, this is a prime example of what many of us encounter. This person had already been arrested and convicted. He wasn't actively committing a crime, but he was not eligible to compete, coach or have any involvement yet Varsity/USA Cheer did nothing to prevent it.
People need to understand anyone who is banned and still showing up is incredibly defiant, narcissistic, and just waiting for you to do or say the wrong thing. I, personally, would have disqualified the team, but I say that knowing as a once Corp executive, I would have had to present the situation to a legal team and do exactly what they said. I won't speak for Varsity, because I have no idea what their policies are, but these situations are not as simple as people make it out to be. Unlike a banned person from one of our stores, a banned athlete effects the whole team.