All-Star Rumor Control-senior Age Change

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I really hope they do not change the age. I think there are 12 year olds that can handle a senior age team. We are from a smaller gym. My cp is 10 and has all the level 5 skills required (flying, tumbling, jumping) to be on our Sr5 team and I believe has the maturity for it too. We know she is too young now, but we are looking forward to the day she CAN be on that team. Our gym does not have any way of making a jr5 team or even a sr open 5 team so she will again be on level 4 this year for the 3rd year. There are no other gyms in our area that offer these teams either so just going to another gym isn't really an option. I'm sure there are other 10/11 year olds out there in the same situation and just waiting until they can fully use the skills they have learned. I read the arguments about having the younger ones on senior teams, but I guess I'm ok with it because our gym's senior team won't be all 18 year olds. There will be 12,13,14,15,16,17, and 18 year olds. The smaller gyms have to take all the ages sometimes to make those teams work. Because our gym is smaller my cp has been around and even been on the same teams as our senior age girls in the past so I don't see it as much of a problem. I guess I just get tired of hearing all the time how everyone wants the age to change. I want my cp to be able to do what she loves and fully use her skills. She is only going to grow and gain more skills this year, if she has to wait 3 more years....UGH!
open doesn't have a max age...can you image a 30 year old basing a 12 year old. or even practicing? i think 14 is still too young...i like the 17 year old requirement for i6.

I keep giving guys I knew crap who are on an i5 team. I tell them to come to my i6 team and stunt with real girls hahahahah (not to imply that high school girls aren't real girls, but they're not full size adults)

Though in all seriously, I'm 23 and wouldn't want to cheer with 14 year olds, never mind 12 year olds. You don't even want to hear the things that we joke about at practice...
The way I heard it was it came across one of cp's friends pages. He's an 11 year old with a double double and posted he was upset that the age changed to 14. A gym owner commented on the post but didn't say if it was false. This poor kid thinks he is ineligible for Worlds. I would love for the age to go up to 14 after some of the tweets I got Sunday night but don't like seeing a little kid upset if it's just a rumor.

If he is 11 as of May 31st, he IS ineligible. You have to be 12 as of May 31st.
We had three 12 year olds compete with T&S senior teams at worlds this year (mine on Obsession and 2 on our small limited team from Tulsa). All of them did great and had no problem with the pressure of worlds. Granted, they were all added to those teams just 2-3 weeks prior to worlds so they weren't hanging around these older kids all season long. BUT, they handled the pressure of worlds just fine.

As someone else said, it's not like a senior team is made up of ALL 18 year olds. If there are a couple of 12 and 13 year olds on a senior team, they are more likely than not going to navigate towards the 14 and 15 year olds on the team. It's not like they're gonna be hanging out with the 17 and 18 year olds. It is very common for kids 2-3 years apart in age to hang out. My younger CP has a bunch of friends who are 8 and 9 years old and she is 11. And my 13 year old hangs out with her 11 year old sister and her friends a lot, too, and vice versa. Emileigh has been at every single seniors practice since the middle of January and not once has she been exposed to anything being said or done inappropriately. Maybe it's because she doesn't go around looking or listening for it. She goes in to practice and work hard, not to try and fit in with the older kids...

I tend to agree with the others, that someone has seen the international age division minimum and got it confused with the senior division age minimum. I can't imagine the USASF changing the age grid after already releasing it. They make mistakes, but I don't think they'd make that big of one. Most gyms have already had or are having try outs as we speak.

In the end, whatever happens, happens. At our gym you stay on juniors until you age out anyway. So the only thing that would be affected is our senior teams' alternates for worlds. They would make due and find other suitable alternates I'm sure. :) Emileigh loves her J5 team and would have no problem waiting til she was 14 to go to worlds again. Who knows, even if they don't change the bottom age, she might still have to wait til she ages out to go to worlds again. She just got lucky this year that they even needed her. :)
He tried out with the 11-12 group so he could be 12 at this point...I don't know his exact age, just that he was disappointed over a rumor. Just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed something that changed during all the Worlds craziness. Actually @JoshySOT would probably know what age he is for sure!
14 and up does have its own division actually 4 they are called International. 12-18 is the correct age and range for a Worlds Non-Int division. If you don't want your 12,13 yr old on the team then DON'T LET THEM. As for "Small Gym" I get annoyed sometimes too but I know that there were a lot more than 3 12,13 yr old kids competing at Worlds. If they have the skills and their families and coaches are ok with it then I wish them the best of luck. Again, if you don't want YOUR 12,13 yr old on a Worlds team then say "NO" other than that I don't know why people are complaining, how does someone else's kid hurt you?
Add gabi to that list - I think she's only 13...and she is DEFINITELY worlds caliber in both skill and maturity (look how she handled not competing). She is probably the main reason I would even consider 12 year olds going to worlds.

But in reality I agree with most people on a couple amazing kids reason enough? No. I would be ECSTATIC to see the age changed to 14.

As for the small gym argument...I am, as usual, probably going to upset some people with this but that's too bad. I'm sorry if your small gym can't field a worlds team if the age is 14. But I just don't think that's a reason. Every time a rule is brought up all the small gyms cry that its not fair to them. Cheerleading is a business, and as with most businesses...sink or swim. Mean? Possibly. But I just think if you can't grow your gym into a worlds gym with kids 14 and over then maybe you just shouldn't have a worlds team. And I know everyone says you can't stay in business without a worlds team...not true. I know plenty of gyms that are thriving businesses, and have been for years, without worlds teams - as a matter of fact most of them don't have any level 5 teams and they do fine. And they are in Virginia Beach and yes, they do have "the huge gym down the street" to compete with.
I think that your comments about small gyms cry and childish comments are pretty Poopy (keeping it clean here)... I enjoy reading some of your comments but this makes me sick to my stomach and pisses me off...
If you did not see this year with the new rules being argued about, most of the larger gyms were the ones complaining about most of the rules along side the small gyms. They understand If there were not small gyms which are a majority of this sport their wouldn't be competition and it would be hard to find... The industry wouldnt be as big as it is... Event producer couldn't fund Competitions...
So if I could I would stick your words, well I won't say where I would stink them b/c it is not worth being childish, but I would think before you write something like this again
I think that your comments about small gyms cry and childish comments are pretty Poopy (keeping it clean here)... I enjoy reading some of your comments but this makes me sick to my stomach and pisses me off...
If you did not see this year with the new rules being argued about, most of the larger gyms were the ones complaining about most of the rules along side the small gyms. They understand If there were not small gyms which are a majority of this sport their wouldn't be competition and it would be hard to find... The industry wouldnt be as big as it is... Event producer couldn't fund Competitions...
So if I could I would stick your words, well I won't say where I would stink them b/c it is not worth being childish, but I would think before you write something like this again

I've thought about it. And I think YOU should re-read it. I never said there shouldn't be small gyms - we started at one and probably would have never gotten involved in cheer without it. What I said was that small gyms don't HAVE TO have a worlds team to survive. Every debate I've seen on here (yes I was here for the rules one as well as many others) that involves small gyms someone has said that. And I don't think its true. I could name at least 10 gyms on here that have no worlds team, no level 5 team, started as tiny programs and are absolutely flourishing right now. So my argument was that changing the age for worlds shouldn't mean a hill of beans to a small program. If you can't field a worlds team you should still be able to run a gym.

And I'm sorry if you Didn't like my word "cry". I guess I could have just said "say" but I just am tired of it. Every time we talk about not letting younger kids on worlds teams someone from a small gym DOES come on here and say "you're trying to kill the small gym!!!" and it does come off as crying sometimes. No one...I repeat NO trying to "kill" small gyms. We're trying to make a sport that is safe and fun for everyone. Like I've said at least a dozen times...if that means small gyms don't have a worlds team its not the end of the world. Small gyms can survive - and thrive even - without going to worlds.

For the record the wording of your post was highly offensive.
and getting away from senior level 5, look at your junior teams: Does your J5 have 10 or 11 year olds that are amazing on it... Some may not but I guarantee most of them do... So whats the difference between a 10 yr old hanging with 14 year old. Yes, I understand 4 years between the 10 and 12 and 6 years between 12 and 16 but the biggest difference is a 10 year old is in Elementary School and 14 year olds are in 9th or 10th grade High School. At least the 12 year old is in Middle School and most in 7th grade at least and the next step is high school.
Stop Changing Rules!- It's getting to much like our countries government and we all know how thats going right now...
If you did not see this year with the new rules being argued about, most of the larger gyms were the ones complaining about most of the rules along side the small gyms.

And I'm sorry if you Didn't like my word "cry". I guess I could have just said "say" but I just am tired of it.

This is what I'm seeing with this - @cheer8 , I think @Just-a-Mom was saying that on the board she often hears some people from smaller gyms take issue with many rules that are implemented because they feel it could hurt a smaller program. @Just-a-Mom , I think @cheer8 was saying that smaller gyms will stand up for what they feel is a disservice to their gym size and the fact that you said they "cry" about it implies they're whining unnecessarily.

Generalities in discussion can be dangerous - not ALL small gyms will be hurt by a rules change, not ALL small gyms take issue with ALL rules.

...the finalists for "Best Catfight" have already been announced... :D
This is what I'm seeing with this - @cheer8 , I think @Just-a-Mom was saying that on the board she often hears some people from smaller gyms take issue with many rules that are implemented because they feel it could hurt a smaller program. @Just-a-Mom , I think @cheer8 was saying that smaller gyms will stand up for what they feel is a disservice to their gym size and the fact that you said they "cry" about it implies they're whining unnecessarily.

Generalities in discussion can be dangerous - not ALL small gyms will be hurt by a rules change, not ALL small gyms take issue with ALL rules.

...the finalists for "Best Catfight" have already been announced... :D
I agree! Thats why I didn't write back... I have produced many level 5 teams with out 12 or 13 year olds but I will say that my 12 and 13 year olds are mature and probably more mature than my High schoolers... well actually my 13 year olds are in high school LOL! So I will fight for them to be able to experience the higest skill level at that age and if I can't produce a J5 team then I will put them on Senior5

But I will not cry so to speak about rules that will or are helping the industry as a whole if they follow through with them and I will not tolerate rules being made to JUST benefit my side or the other. So I will stand up for these 12 and 13 year olds in small and large gyms that are trying to produce a senior level team!

Small gyms and Large gyms need to be at worlds or produce a level 5 team for everyone involved if it takes putting the 12 and 13 year olds on the team... If producers, gyms, USASF etc... didn't have the 12 and 13 year olds on these teams they also will be losing...

I am about Integrity and only integrity in our sport so I just want all to know what ever Cheer8 (ME) puts on this board is for everyone as a whole!

But I will apologize to you Just-a-Mom for my anger at you... but I am speaking on behalf of many gym owners I hope- That the cry babies on here that you speak of are probably not gym owners! Again I am sorry for my actions- Aloha
In regards to "small gym/worlds team" topic. I akin this to small gymnastics gyms that are not National Training centers. You can still be successful without having the Worlds teams. It may be harder in areas that are saturated with Worlds gyms (like DFW) but it can be done.
In gymnastics the TOPS program was instituted not only to identify talent at a very young age (my cp was picked out at 5) but it also helps to train the smaller gym coaches so that they may eventually be able to field a level 10 or elite team. If a youngster scores high enough at TOPS and makes the National team, her coach gets to go to Karolyi and be trained also on how to train these kids. Maybe when we start become more and more a legitimized sport we will have opportunities for coaches to attend seminars held by Jodi/Brad/Brett/Speed/ect. to show these small gyms how to up their numbers, train better, and eventually field a competitive Worlds team.
Is there already a process in place to help these gyms up their game? (And by that I'm not implying they don't have "game", just that some mentoring could help them achieve more.)

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