mybabywantstotumble , did the mom say SHE is the one who foots the cheer bill? I know MANY cheer parents whose kids cheer, and are on Medicaid and other state assistance programs, but they work fundraising and booster club events, get sponsors, or Grandma & Grandpa/Aunts & Uncles, etc. pay for cheer. Just because she complained about the price of cheer doesn't mean it's because she's the one coming out of pocket with it. Also, does she receive unemployment benefits? If she's not paying for housing or food, the unemployment benefit may be going to cheer, in which case, who cares? She can use that money however she wants.
Further, @
tucknduck , there are no means by which a state Department of Social Services has to investigate every claim of misuse of state funds. Plus, it's really far down on their list of things to do. Could it be reported? Sure. Probably won't do any good, though. They'll probably go after Crackhead Vivian before Idiot Susie's Mom.
Most states have put into place methods by which "welfare" money ( thought they typically don't call it welfare anymore) is actually NOT given directly to the recipient. There are housing vouchers, EBT cards (for food,) and vouchers for utilities. The states will rarely, if ever, send a check directly to someone,which they can cash and use inappropriately. Not saying it doesn't happen in some states, but they prefer not to hand funds directly to a recipient.
Do I think any child should cheer, without some type of sponsor, if the household has come upon tough times but still has to foot the bill? Nope. But I think there's probably more to this situation than meets the eye, as @
ArizonaMVP said.
What concerns me more than
what she said is the fact that she said it. She's new to your gym and is airing this type of
highly personal info to (basically) a stranger. Yeah...um...that says more to me than anything.