Num1Stunta - you KNOW I love you. But first off, no, I'm not Republican. Second, even if I was ... it's a little hypocritical to say "SMH...probably republican...this isn't 8th grade..." and then say "I don't know I guess I'm just an accepting person." Not accepting of the republicans on the welfare rant though. I also have friends that run the same gamut as yours... but if you're saying you don't care what someone does with their personal life, shouldn't that extend to their politics?
I am on the "welfare rant" because I know way more people that are abusing the system than using it correctly. I don't care how liberal you are - you can't tell me the system doesn't need a lot of work. And I've seen sooooooo many people who a receiving benefits that don't need them. As for a family member paying for cheer? That doesn't make it any better in my book. Why is your family member willing to pay for cheer for your kid...but not FOOD??? Talk about whacked out priorities...
I actually am almost as sure that she ISN'T on a scholarship as you are that she is. New to the gym and on scholarship? Doubtful - yes, gyms do offer them. But usually to people who've been going there for awhile, not someone who just turned up on their doorstep with their hand out.
Sorry, but I could go on the "welfare rant" for DAYS. And it's all from personal experience, not what I see from the media.
mybabywantstotumble - The reason I think she's telling you all this? Pretty much what @
cheermommaRN said. The whoa is me syndrome. As for what it says about her? This is where I disagree with @
Num1Stunta - I don't think you should avoid her because she is receiving public assistance. I think you should avoid her because she is PROUD of it and not interested in getting off it - I find that people who make LAME excuses for why they can't work and should stay on assistance (eg. cheer practice is at 6 and I live so far away...so how would I work?) are not usually people I enjoy spending time with. I don't care what else we have in common...basic values and ethics are a big deal to me.