All-Star Seriously?

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I have... But in this case she isn't paying for it, the child's aunt and uncle are paying for it because of mental issues that they mother has. The child's aunt works at the gym at the front desk to help pay for this child's tuition. I think that its amazing that the family has two children of there own and they are doing it to help the little girl cheer because she loves it so much and has made great friends!

Shimmy that! It sounds as though the family of the child sees a positive influence and an atmosphere beneficial to the child and she loves it and has made friends. What a great "get away" place for the girl to go to escape for a while what may not be the best living situation. Were I to have the opportunity to work for tuition I would, or even my CP. Sounds like the people who love the child are really doing all they can to help her. If true, yay! Who was it that said "It takes a Village" to raise children? It's great to see when it happens, and special when you get the chance to experience it yourself:)
@Num1Stunta , I think the avoidance part was not "Eeeww, she's on welfare," but more an assumption about her IF state assistance is paying for cheer. And I get that. It's immoral and unethical and who wants to be friends with someone who exhibits those traits? The Christian thing - you're on your own with that. Good luck, kiddo. The Republican thing - yeah, maybe...
@Num1Stunta , I think the avoidance part was not "Eeeww, she's on welfare," but more an assumption about her IF state assistance is paying for cheer. And I get that. It's immoral and unethical and who wants to be friends with someone who exhibits those traits? The Christian thing - you're on your own with that. Good luck, kiddo. The Republican thing - yeah, maybe...

LOL... I'm an Atheist... and a Liberal... I don't know, I guess I'm just an accepting person. I have friends who run the gamut from Born-again Christians to Strippers. If you're a nice person and you treat me with respect, I will typically not really care what someone does with their personal life!:)
LOL... I'm an Atheist... and a Liberal... I don't know, I guess I'm just an accepting person. I have friends who run the gamut from Born-again Christians to Strippers. If you're a nice person and you treat me with respect, I will typically not really care what someone does with their personal life!:)

I understand. I really do. I'm an equally open-minded Christian, raised by Unitarians, and my Dad had a "Born-Again Pagan" tee shirt. Just know that not all Christians quickly pass judgement on others. Love you, boo :)
Regardless of what all the information is in this story the truth IMO is that really they do not have the financial problems she is stating they have. If in reality the family was on food stamps, they are living in a friends house and she is not working where is the $ to drive an hour and a half hours to be there? Gas prices are through the roof so how is she affording the gas to get there. In no way to I feel like I should support a parent like this as I get up every morning and go to work so that we can live the lifestyle we want and a portion of my money EVERY week is going to pay for this moms Cp to cheer. Ridiculous! Since I am the one who gets up and works for my money it is MY choise how to spend it. If thats cheer, coloring my hair, Starbucks etc its my money and my choice . What makes it even worse was thst statement "how can i work when i have to drive down here and be here at 6" REALLY? I question her parenting skills... As a preant wouldn't you think that a better way to spend the gas money and tuition money would be to go into savings so that you and your family can get out of your friends house and stop depending on the government to live?
i would never treat anyone or their child differently because of their finanical situation or because they are on public assistance. and i wish that all star wasn't so expensive so many more kids could do it, however i do have a problem if it is the case that she is "unable" to work because of having to get her kid to practice by 6pm and is getting public assistance while paying for all star out of "her own" money. i hope this isn't the case and i hope that maybe another family member is covering it but i don't think so. and our kids are young so i doubt they would give a scholarship to someone not on a higher level team. i will avoid the situation and try not to discuss it with her again if she brings it up. i have had enough cheer mama drama last year and i want to be friendly and social with everyone and help people who need their kids picked up or driven to practice but don't need another BFF.

btw, i colored my hair on my own last night and it looks pretty good! although my stylist is going to kill me when she sees me! lol
If you wouldn't discuss it with ppl in your gym, why would you choose to discuss it here?
@Num1Stunta - you KNOW I love you. But first off, no, I'm not Republican. Second, even if I was ... it's a little hypocritical to say "SMH...probably republican...this isn't 8th grade..." and then say "I don't know I guess I'm just an accepting person." Not accepting of the republicans on the welfare rant though. I also have friends that run the same gamut as yours... but if you're saying you don't care what someone does with their personal life, shouldn't that extend to their politics?

I am on the "welfare rant" because I know way more people that are abusing the system than using it correctly. I don't care how liberal you are - you can't tell me the system doesn't need a lot of work. And I've seen sooooooo many people who a receiving benefits that don't need them. As for a family member paying for cheer? That doesn't make it any better in my book. Why is your family member willing to pay for cheer for your kid...but not FOOD??? Talk about whacked out priorities...

I actually am almost as sure that she ISN'T on a scholarship as you are that she is. New to the gym and on scholarship? Doubtful - yes, gyms do offer them. But usually to people who've been going there for awhile, not someone who just turned up on their doorstep with their hand out.

Sorry, but I could go on the "welfare rant" for DAYS. And it's all from personal experience, not what I see from the media.

@mybabywantstotumble - The reason I think she's telling you all this? Pretty much what @cheermommaRN said. The whoa is me syndrome. As for what it says about her? This is where I disagree with @Num1Stunta - I don't think you should avoid her because she is receiving public assistance. I think you should avoid her because she is PROUD of it and not interested in getting off it - I find that people who make LAME excuses for why they can't work and should stay on assistance (eg. cheer practice is at 6 and I live so far how would I work?) are not usually people I enjoy spending time with. I don't care what else we have in common...basic values and ethics are a big deal to me.
Maybe she is letting people know so that when her cp doesn't walk in with Uggs or a Coach purse, everyone knows why. Maybe it is her way of protecting her child against the snide comments from the mean kids. Maybe by setting the stage early, people will be more understanding when she cannot go to the expensive team dinner, or buy that cool team hoodie.
@Num1Stunta - you KNOW I love you. But first off, no, I'm not Republican. Second, even if I was ... it's a little hypocritical to say "SMH...probably republican...this isn't 8th grade..." and then say "I don't know I guess I'm just an accepting person." Not accepting of the republicans on the welfare rant though. I also have friends that run the same gamut as yours... but if you're saying you don't care what someone does with their personal life, shouldn't that extend to their politics?

I am on the "welfare rant" because I know way more people that are abusing the system than using it correctly. I don't care how liberal you are - you can't tell me the system doesn't need a lot of work. And I've seen sooooooo many people who a receiving benefits that don't need them. As for a family member paying for cheer? That doesn't make it any better in my book. Why is your family member willing to pay for cheer for your kid...but not FOOD??? Talk about whacked out priorities...

I actually am almost as sure that she ISN'T on a scholarship as you are that she is. New to the gym and on scholarship? Doubtful - yes, gyms do offer them. But usually to people who've been going there for awhile, not someone who just turned up on their doorstep with their hand out.

Sorry, but I could go on the "welfare rant" for DAYS. And it's all from personal experience, not what I see from the media.

@mybabywantstotumble - The reason I think she's telling you all this? Pretty much what @cheermommaRN said. The whoa is me syndrome. As for what it says about her? This is where I disagree with @Num1Stunta - I don't think you should avoid her because she is receiving public assistance. I think you should avoid her because she is PROUD of it and not interested in getting off it - I find that people who make LAME excuses for why they can't work and should stay on assistance (eg. cheer practice is at 6 and I live so far how would I work?) are not usually people I enjoy spending time with. I don't care what else we have in common...basic values and ethics are a big deal to me.

Amen!!!!!! The basic argument to most of this is that our founding fathers worded it as such.....LIFE, LIBERTY and.....stay with me here.....THE PERSUIT OF one is entitled to happiess...they are free to persue it.....PERIOD!!!
If you wouldn't discuss it with ppl in your gym, why would you choose to discuss it here?

because this is an anonymous forum. no one knows who i am, who she is, what gym our kids cheer at, what team our kids are on, what state i live in, etc. i think it is obvious that if i discussed this in the gym it would probably end up spreading like wildfire with people's different opinions and ultimately hurting the team once it trickled down to the kids.

i also think that by posting this on here, asking if anyone else has ever encountered this before, has enlightened me that there may be another side of this. such as -there is a possibility that someone else is paying for cheer. my first reaction was "wow, what the hell, they are on public asssitance and paying $250 a month for cheer. so my tax dollars are paying for her cp to cheer???".
Maybe she is letting people know so that when her cp doesn't walk in with Uggs or a Coach purse, everyone knows why. Maybe it is her way of protecting her child against the snide comments from the mean kids. Maybe by setting the stage early, people will be more understanding when she cannot go to the expensive team dinner, or buy that cool team hoodie.

crap, i have to go and get my kid a pair of uggs now?

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