"round and round that globe goes, where it stops nobody knows. 2 - oh - double 1, back for another one wwooorrkkkk ittt - done!"
"last name ever, first name greatest! black is the name we run this game! and today, the. game. ends!"
"let's make this clear black's here! our time is..... right here!"
- Brandon Senior Black :) (im a little obsessed)
"Cali smoed! you can't fight this! cuz you're sick with the Cali-itis!"
"Girls you lookin' good in blue, you know it's so true!"
- Cali Smoed
"Got my finger on the trigger, Cali just does it WAY bigger!"
"Cali ladies, yeah you're lookin fine, fierce, fresh! now show em that you're leaving with FIRST - NOTHING LESS!"
- Cali Elite :)
"I know it's hard to understand, so let the queens explain. The diva is back, and you should know our name!"
"F-I-V-E, you know what it means. F-5 is back! all hail the queen!"
(and pretty much every other voiceover in their routine!)
- F5
"It's time to fight like a warrior! Better watch your back always, be looking over your shoulder! It's time to turn out the lights, cuz the party's over!"
"ACE is in the lead - we're in the zone! We're always in control and we're taking this home!"
"There aint ever been a warrior like ME! Yeah I represent that A-C-E! We can sense your jealousy!"
- ACE Warriors
"We're the panthers you can't tame! New era, same name! Cheer Athletics WE RUN THIS GAME!"
"I was thinkin bout her thinkin bout me! thinkin bout us, with the trophies! Started as a dream, now it's panther reality!"
- Panthers
I guess i'll stop :) though the list goes on!