A girl in St. Louis committed suicide because a mother posed as a boy interested in her because, of girl drama with her daughter. The mother created "Josh" and once the girl developed an on-line relationship with this "boy" , the mom told her (as Josh) the world would be a better place without her and that she was a slut and a liar. The girl hanged herself.
Parents are usually the worst offenders at encouraging the drama. I've heard moms telling girls if more than one friend likes a boy in a group of friends then no one should go out with him and if they do, that girl has put a boy in front of their friendship. I've heard moms spewing ridiculous do's and don't of some "Girl Code" nonsense. WTH?! Until these girls have rings on their fingers we need to be telling them dating is not marriage, it's ok if the boy you held hands with in 6th grade wants to date your best friend Sr. year of HS, people aren't property, people can't "steal" people away from others, to have some self respect and get over it if someone doesn't like them and learn to be happy for their friends. Parents 100% encourage this drama whether they mean to or not and are some of the worst offenders of the not so sub "sub-tweet".